Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فرقه های منشعب از شیعه)
From the viewpoint of Shia sects, how many Imams are there?
3167 2021/03/31 فرقه های منشعب از شیعه
Who are Ismailiyah (Bohra) sect and what are their beliefs?
6236 2018/10/22 فرقه های منشعب از شیعهIsmail Imam Sadiq s PBUH elder son who undoubtedly has a high status passed away during Imam Sadiq s PBUH lifetime and was shrouded and buried by his command. Ismail s grave is now in Baqi cemetery in
Please let me know in detail the beliefs of Zaidiyyah sect, especially the Houthis?
17769 2017/05/20 تاريخ کلامThe Zaidiyyah or Zaidism is a sect which emerged in the eighth century out of Shi a Islam. Zaidis are named after Zaid ibn Ali the grandson of Husain ibn Ali. Although Zaid did not consider himself to
Does verse 159 of Surah al-An\'am make reference to disunity and discord in the religion of Islam or to all divine religions?
10410 2015/06/18 ExegesisThe Holy Quran says in verses 159 of Chapter al-An am: ان الذین فرقوا دینهم و کانوا شیعا لست منهم فی شی انما امرهم الى الله ثم ینبئهم بما کانوا یفعلون Surely they who divided their religion i