Questions Archive(Thematic Category:روش شناسی)
How can women in a family do jihad?
6596 2021/03/31 Hadith
How can gazing at women be healed?!
6843 2021/03/31 دستور العمل ها
According to the Quran, what is the characteristic of the best of people?
4213 2021/03/31 Exegesis
Which verse of the holy Quran discusses the way of salvation?
5367 2021/03/31 Exegesis
What is the reason behind not achieving your goals despite you have good planning and decision-making power, but some unexpected events ever keep you from achieving them?
3631 2021/03/31 روش شناسی
How can we adjust our lifestyle like holy Prophet (saw) with a daily, weekly, etc. plan, according to the holy Quran and Sunnah?
3264 2021/03/31 Way of life of
Why does Allah love the patients?
3721 2021/03/31 Exegesis
What does the holy Quran say about love of wife and husband towards each other?
3500 2021/03/31 Exegesis
Is having great affection for your spouse and being very kind to them considered as the right and a laudable act?
3331 2021/03/30 برخی احکام
What does the holy Quran and traditions say about trustfulness?
4029 2021/03/30 Hadith
Will the poor neighbor prevent the rich neighbor on the day of judgment from coming forward and saying: O Allah! Ask him why he has closed the door on me and refused his favor to me?
3106 2021/03/30 Hadith
Which one of the retaliation or forgiveness is preferable to each other according to the teachings of Islam?
3364 2021/03/30 عفو و بخشش
What is the boundary of forgiveness and not tolerating of oppression?
2860 2021/03/30 معیار شناسی (دین و اخلاق)
What is the boundary of forgiveness and not tolerating of oppression?
2846 2021/03/30 Hadith
Is it justifiable that the more knowledge a person acquires the humbler they should be?
2511 2021/03/30 فضایل اخلاقی
Please provide us with the meaning of humbleness and its effects? What is the difference between humbleness and humility?
3095 2021/03/30 فضایل اخلاقی
What does istighfar mean and what rules and conditions does it have? Please let us know the difference between istighfar and repentance?
4263 2021/03/30 انسان و خدا
According to Islam, is it reprehensible to live alone?
3143 2021/03/30 Hadith
What does Islam say about luxury houses? How can we guide people toward moderation in building a house?
3334 2021/03/30 Hadith
According to the holy Quran and traditions, what are the foundations of Medical ethics?
2982 2021/03/30 بیشتر بدانیم
According to traditions, what are the moral characteristics of Prophet Jesus (as)?
3090 2021/03/30 Hadith
What are the courses of actions for having good-temperament in our life? What are the worldly and heavenly results of having good moral?
5590 2019/10/06 دستور العمل ها
What is the proper consumption pattern in Islam?
5358 2019/10/06 اسراف و تبذیر
What are the narrations about rizq (sustenance) and what are the ways through which one can earn lawful sustenance? What duas are there for increasing rizq?
10221 2018/11/12 رزقContrary to the common perception which restricts sustenance to its material manifestations the term rizq sustenance has a more extensive meaning that includes all divine bounties irrespective of the
Is the saying authentic that, "Satans are chained during the Holy Month of Ramadan”?
6043 2017/01/25 روش شناسیIn some authentic traditional sources like Al-Kafi and Tahzib a tradition has been mentioned regarding the blessings of the Holy Month of Ramadan from the Holy Prophet PBUH as follows When the Holy M
How to cure our psychological obsession?
6619 2015/09/14 وسواسApart from the infallibles other people might at times experience ebbs and flows ups and downs in their beliefs and conviction. Thus they might doubt the existence of God or the genuineness of a divin
What are the secrets and ways to success in life?
13916 2015/04/18 سعادت و شقاوتMost writers and scholars have endeavored to present an inclusive definition of success. Success, according to Islamic doctrines, means happiness and prosperity. Practically, absolute happiness and pr
Please let me how to get rid of masturbation?
9942 2015/01/05 PracticalSin is like a foul-smelling swamp full of sewage; the more one sinks into it, the less he senses its smell, because he actually loses his sense of smell and can t tell that he is drowning anymore. At
Is becoming forgetful a type of spiritual disease? What kind of solutions can attenuate it?
11076 2014/06/01 دستور العمل هاAs it is mentioned in the following Dua ( prayer ) , undoubtedly forgetfulness is an undesirable state in which we should seek refuge with Allah from. اللهم انی اعوذ بک من النسیان و الکسل و التوانی
Can you please introduce some methods in which we can improve and optimize our memory according to the traditions (Ahadith)?
11337 2014/04/20 ModernWe can classify those effective methods of enhancing and optimizing memory and comprehension into some divisions which are as follows: A ) Spiritual methods: 1. Remembering Allah ( by worshiping Him
What is meant by inner rules in regards to recite the Holy Quran?
9389 2014/04/20 Quranic StudiesSince the Holy Quran is Allah s words and the Prophet of Islam s ( P.B.U.H ) miracle, Muslims show the special respect to it even at the advent of Islam. According to the verses of Quran, recommendati
Since it is superstitious to do the chelle practice in order to conceive a child, which supplications and prayers do you recommend in this regard?
6974 2014/02/12 PracticalBased on our research through hadith collections, we did not find any reference to the chelle practice for pregnancy. As for supplications for pregnancy, there are some points to be noted: 1-This wor
Why are good and bad moral traits discussed together in ethics? Scientifically speaking, what is the relationship between those traits?
12499 2014/01/22 عجب و خود پسندیIn view of the fact that ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies good and bad moral traits, voluntary conducts and volitional behaviors, it is very much logical and scientific to discuss and put
What are the manners of giving and receiving gifts according to the Holy Prophet (S)?
10045 2013/12/19 PracticalAmong the normative conducts of the Messenger of the Holy Prophet ( S ) is giving and receiving gifts. However, based on the narrations reported from him, exchanging gifts should not be coupled with d
What are the ways through which we can get familiar with the Quran?
6670 2013/11/25 PracticalIf a person recites the Quran sincerely and contemplates over its verses and then acts upon them, the attraction of the Quran will increase in his heart and he will end up loving it.