Questions Archive(Thematic Category:امام شناسی)
From the viewpoint of Shia sects, how many Imams are there?
3220 2021/03/31 فرقه های منشعب از شیعه
If the imams are essentially infallible, can we follow them as role models?
6810 2015/05/03 عصمتThis question emanates from incorrect notion about the concept of infallibility that considers it something mandatory and gifted by God without a cause or reason. Obviously if we are to consider infal
How is it possible to tell the difference between taqiyah on the one hand and telling the truth, hypocrisy and enjoining good and forbidding evil on the other?
7831 2015/04/18 Laws and JurisprudenceTaqiyah ( dissimulation or quietism ) is a strategy for emergency situations and it is meant to protect human forces and not to endanger momeneen [ believers ] in petty and trivial matters. The princi
What is reconciliatory Taqiyah and where is it practiced?
5858 2015/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceReconciliation is the act of making friendly relations; it is the action of making one view or belief compatible with another in order to appease someone and make him surrender to something. This is w
Please give a brief description of features of Barqi's al-Mahasen and the hadith which bears Khidhr's testimony to the leadership of the Imams (A.S)?
10225 2014/06/01 Contextual studyKhalid bin Ahmad al-Barqi has reported a narration in his al-Mahasen almost with the same chain of transmission mentioned in the question. Great scholars like Sheikh Kulayni, Saduq and Nu mani have re
Is Imam\'s (A.S) asking holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) in contrast to Imam\'s (A.S) expansive knowledge? What is the scope of Imam\'s (A.S) knowledge according to Shia?
7149 2013/12/09 TraditionalThere is no disagreement among Muslims about the necessity of Imam s knowledge. However the discrepancy exists about the quantity and quality of his knowledge. Shiites believe that the Imam should, at