Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام قدیم)
Can we ascribe the oppression of tyrants to Allah, the Almighty?
3352 2021/03/30 Traditional
There are narrations even in the Shiite books that forbid building any edifices including mosques around and over graves. In the existence of such narration, how is it possible to justify construction of burial chambers and tombs over the graves of the imams (AS)?
10383 2014/09/28 TraditionalThe Holy Quran narrating the story of the Companions of the Cave explicitly and clearly approves of building a mosque over their graves. There are many traditions which not only allow worshipping near
Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with?
7394 2014/09/18 TraditionalThere would be no problem for a man to get married to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with if she had no husband or got divorced but passed her Iddah ( waiting period ) completely on th
Is Imam\'s (A.S) asking holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) in contrast to Imam\'s (A.S) expansive knowledge? What is the scope of Imam\'s (A.S) knowledge according to Shia?
7149 2013/12/09 TraditionalThere is no disagreement among Muslims about the necessity of Imam s knowledge. However the discrepancy exists about the quantity and quality of his knowledge. Shiites believe that the Imam should, at
Why is Shaitan an enemy of mankind? Has man done anything wrong to man?
9869 2013/12/05 TraditionalThere are many verses in the Holy Quran that make clear reference to enmity between man and Shaitan ( the devil ) . [ 1 ] It is for the same hostile relations that human beings have been alarmed and w
How long will the Imam of Time, Imam Mahdi (AS), will this world rule after he reappears?
17832 2013/12/05 Contextual studyThere are two categories of narrations in this regard which are apparently varied giving differing reports: 1. The first category of narrations has for the major part been extracted from Sunni source
Is the religion of Islam a strict and difficult religion?
ou. (Sura al-Baqara).
13804 2013/10/26 TraditionalBeing the most perfect religion, Islam is based on ease and simplicity. Its rulings and regulations are intertwined with ease and simplicity. Clear foundations and simple concepts that can be understo
Can you provide us with some information about Prophet Idris (a.s.)?
15984 2013/07/15 TraditionalProphet Idris name has been mentioned twice in the Quran, he has been revered and celebrated as truthful, prophet, patient, righteous etc. Prophet Idris is among the grandsons of Prophet Seth reaching
Were miracles performed by prophets in order to demonstrate the truth of their claims to prophethood or were they to meet the demands of stubborn people? What is meant by “We made from water every living thing”?
8127 2013/05/19 Exegesis1. It is necessary to note that bringing a miracle is a decisive and clear proof of the authenticity of a prophet s claim to prophethood. It is not, therefore, just to convince people. [ 1 ] 2. The
Did the Holy Prophet (pbuh) prostrate on the Turbat of Karbalah?
15695 2013/05/15 TraditionalAccording to Shia jurisprudence, firstly, Sajda should be performed on earth, and on those things which are not edible nor worn, and on things which grow from earth ( e.g. wood and leaves of trees ) .
Is it possible to throw some light on the life and messengership of Prophet Hud (a.s.)?
8109 2013/05/15 TraditionalProphet Hud is one of the divine prophets whose name has been mentioned seven times in Surah al-Araf and Surah al-Shu ara. He is among the descendants ( great grandsons ) of Prophet Noah ( a.s. ) with
What does it mean to say that divine attributes are the same as the essence?
9437 2013/02/16 TraditionalOne of the important theological, mystical, exegetical and philosophical discussions revolves around unity of attribute and the essence or name and the named. Since the point of dispute is not complet
What is the relationship between a name and the named especially in regards to the names of the Infallibles (a.s.)?
6593 2013/02/02 TraditionalThe discussion concerning the prophets names and those of the infallible imams ( a.s. ) and the development of those names in the history of human civilizations would require us to conduct a comprehen
Given the fact that God is not recognizable by the mind, how is it possible to have knowledge of Him in a way which is not concomitant with polytheism?
7141 2013/02/02 TraditionalIn regards to proper knowledge of God, we must say that, based on authentic traditions, the criterion is to avoid likening God to anything and divesting God of His attributes. For further explanation
Is the reality of the Commander of Faithful, Ali (a.s.) eternal?
7051 2013/01/24 TraditionalEternity is endless and unending time. It is a state to which time has no application. Something which is eternal is not moving, and is beyond time. [ 1 ] That is to say, it has always existed. As fo
We know that the Prophet (pbuh) is infallible but why are there verses in the Quran indicating that the Prophet committed a sin.
9776 2013/01/01 TraditionalIn order to clarify the subject of the discussion, it is necessary to mention the following points: 1. Being an intellectual school, Shia accepts rational principles and standards which are also end
Why are there differences among human beings in terms of mood and behavior? How far do the external factors affect our nature? What is the interpretation (tafsir) of verse 30 of Chapter Al-Room in this regard?
7348 2012/11/20 TraditionalMan being created good and with a divine fitra ( nature ) does not mean that there should not and cannot be any difference among human beings in terms of mood and conduct. In fact, it means that they
What is ghulu (exaggeration) and how is it possible to avoid it?
21510 2012/11/17 TraditionalGhulu ( exceeding proper limits ) means an increase or doing something more than what is ordained by Allah ( Exalted be He ) . The Arabic word ghala ( boil ) denotes the rise of water because of fire.
Why do we repeat “Subhan’allah” in prayers and emphasize on doing “hamd” along with it?
11267 2012/10/21 TraditionalTasbhih or saying Subhan allah in the time of prayer testifies one s removing any anthropomorphic elements or associations with God. It is a way of considering God, the Glorified, devoid and free of a
How do we interpret the attributes just, most compassionate and one for God?
6984 2012/10/20 TraditionalJustice means to place everything in its appropriate place. This said, divine justice can have two types. First: takwini justice which means that every existing being including the skies and earth are
What is the essence of death and can one delay it?
15842 2012/10/20 TraditionalAccording to Islamic philosophy, death means that the soul no longer manages the body and simply leaves it. This viewpoint can be traced back to the ahadith and Quranic verses that negate death being
Do we have free will and, if we do, what is it limited to?
9005 2012/10/20 TraditionalA lot of times we find ourselves in a path that we must take. This is the path of predestined things in our lives, such as our ethnicity, family, language and physical features like our height and wei
How do plants and inanimate objects glorify God, the Exalted?
20399 2012/10/15 TraditionalMan s knowledge about creatures of the world is truly restricted and unmentionable. How Dif y restricted and unmentionable. nanimate objects testiory? different creatures glorify God is still unknow
Do Shiites differentiate between Allah and Imams?
8223 2012/10/11 TraditionalLike all other schools, Shiite school has been encountering extremist groups that are called by different names such as ghulāt ( exaggerators ) , muqassera and nawasib and which have, in the course of
Are there any insects and animals in the world of genies? Are these also made of fire like genies? Also, are there plants and trees in the world of genies?
7028 2012/08/28 TraditionalAlthough we do not see genies and may not be able to prove their existence through scientific and philosophical arguments, we must believe in them because the Holy Quran, the Messenger of Allah ( pbuh
Do Shia Muslims not go to Hell?
19331 2012/08/04 TraditionalThe fact that some people are held responsible for their deeds and subjected to punishment in Hell and some are endowed with blessings and bounties is based on a principle which Allah has pointed out
Aren’t we free in choosing our religion? Then why did the Prophet demand the people of Yemen to either become Muslim or pay Jizyah?
8670 2012/07/21 TraditionalJizyah gives non-Muslims the freedom of choosing whether they want to be Muslim or simply be a non-Muslim citizen of an Islamic government without having to convert their religion and it is natural to
Is divine knowledge merely proven by the teleological argument?
7220 2012/06/21 TraditionalThere are many ways to prove divine knowledge: 1. The teleological argument, 2. The argument that one cannot grant what one does possess, 3. The infiniteness of God and His encompassment of the entire
What is the Sunni point of view on the Prophet’s infallibility regarding matters other than receiving and conveying revelation?
12567 2012/06/20 TraditionalWhat is certain is that there is a consensus among the Islamic sects on the Prophet s infallibility regarding the reception and conveyance of revelation, but that being the case in his everyday life i
Which verse of the Holy Quran containsevery kind of tawhid? What are the different kinds of tawhid?
17983 2012/06/20 TraditionalTawhid is a widely discussed topic among Islamic and Quranic concepts, which is why it consists of various types and levels. This is why tawhid has been widely given in-depth discussions in many verse
Do the Holy Prophet’s parents enter Paradise?
16028 2012/06/19 TraditionalBased on the verses of the Holy Quran, belief in God and good deeds are generally the most important requirements for entering Paradise. Shia scholars and also a number of Sunni sects believe that the
How can we differentiate between a divine test and a divine punishment?
14157 2012/05/26 TraditionalSome of the calamities and hardship we endure in our lives are definitely a part of divine trial and tribulations that are aimed to make us choose our path and adopt our strategy and position against
Did Prophet Lot offer his daughters to homosexual men? Did he commit incest with his daughters, as the Bible says?
34622 2012/05/21 TraditionalThe two accounts of the story of Prophet Lot ( pbuh ) in the Holy Quran and Bible contain many commonalities. It can even be said that they share the same fundamentals; the only difference lying in th
When we say Almighty Allah, does it account for all attributes or only for the power and might of Allah?
7745 2012/05/21 TraditionalAt the level of His essence, when we say He is the Almighty, it accounts for all of His attributes. That is, there is no difference which attribute we use to refer to His essence. On the other hand ou
Is the hadith of Raf’ al-Qalam and the idea that the Shi’ites are absolved of religious duty on the ninth of Rabī’ al-Awwal authentic and valid?
10283 2012/05/21 Contextual studyThis hadith not been narrated in the main and prominent sources of hadith. In addition, what is meant by the absolvement of religious duty ( رفع القلم ) is that their sins are forgiven because of the