Questions Archive(Thematic Category:امام علی ع)
Is conniving at faux pas that has committed by a gentleman or an important character considered as one the Islamic teachings? Doesn’t this encourage them to continue their wrongdoing?!
6561 2021/03/31 Hadith
Did Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (as) participate in the battles of Jamal, Siffin and Nahravan, and did they go directly to the frontlines of the battle?
3587 2021/03/30 History
When Imam Ali (as) considered the relinquishing of this world in the way Prophet Jesus did as the feature of a pious, don’t you think this is promoting the monastic life that Islam has not recommended?
2928 2021/03/30 Contextual study
Is it possible to give a short biography of Imam Ali (as)?
3261 2021/03/30 امام علی ع
What are the most important citizenship rights in Islamic society according to Imam Ali (as)?
4386 2019/10/06 روایات و دعاهای برجای مانده
Why didn’t Imam Ali (AS) punish the murderers of Uthman?
8044 2018/11/12 امام علی ع و خلفا1. Uthman was not killed by only one individual so that he could be brought to book; rather an extensive uprising was launched an angry mob against him. The uprising led ultimately to his death. Imam
What happened to Aisha, the wife of the Prophet of Islam (S) after the Battle of Jamal? Was she living under house arrest for a period of time?
17815 2017/05/22 HistoryFollowing the battle of Jamal Imam Ali AS ordered his comrades to take Aisha to Abdullah bin Khalaf Khazā ei s house who along with his sons had been killed in the same battle while fighting for Aisha
Did Imam Ali (AS) fight all innovations when he was in power?
8173 2017/01/24 امام علی ع و خلفاIt was only 25 years after the demise of the Prophet of Islam S that the Muslim caliphate got back on its original track. After coming to power and becoming apparently a caliph Imam Ali AS vowed to do
Why did Imam Ali depose Qays bin Sa'ad as the governor of Egypt?
9115 2014/06/23 تاريخ بزرگانQays bin Sa ad bin Ibadah, head of Khazraj clan, was one of the renowned companions. He was a clever man, a skilled manager and one of the close friends of Imam Ali ( A.S ) fighting alongside him in m
What is meant by this saying of Imam Ali, "Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocosm is placed within you?"
32974 2014/05/14 Contextual studySome mysticism and literary books have ascribed poems to Imam Ali ( A.S ) . For instance, it has been said that Imam Ali ( A.S ) said: Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocos
What kind of a book is Manaqib Murtazawi by Sayyid Muhammad Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi? Are its contents reliable and authentic?
13384 2014/05/14 Contextual studyThe book Kawkab Durri or Manaqi Murtazawi was authored by Sayyid Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi. He is a follower of Sunni school of jurisprudence and theology but he is a lover of the Ahlul-Bayt. He is intell
Are al-Bayan, al-Iftikhariya and Al-Tatanjiya sermons which are found in Mashariq al-Anwar of Shaykh Rajab Borsi, authentic?
13150 2014/02/06 Contextual studyAl-Iftikhariya Sermon In his Mashariq al-Anwar, [ 1 ] Hafez Rajab Borsi has narrated from Asbagh bin Nabatah a relatively long sermon named Al-Iftikhar Sermon which the narrator has attributed to Ima
How old was Imam Ali (AS) on the day of Ghadir?
9861 2013/12/09 غدیر خمThe event of Ghadir took place on the tenth of the hegira year but there are different views about Imam Ali s date of birth. However, if we are to determine the Imam s date of birth, it depends on whi
Is the reality of the Commander of Faithful, Ali (a.s.) eternal?
7051 2013/01/24 TraditionalEternity is endless and unending time. It is a state to which time has no application. Something which is eternal is not moving, and is beyond time. [ 1 ] That is to say, it has always existed. As fo
In which sermon (khutaba) does Imam Ali (a.s.) elaborate on how those who had preceded him as Caliphs reached the caliphate?
8305 2012/12/23 Contextual studyAli, the Commander of the Faithful, speaks about the three caliphs accession to caliphate in the third sermon of Nahjul Balaghah. This sermon is named Shiqshiqiyyah which is derived from a word at the
Was the verse 100 of chapter 9 (i.e. And as for the foremost, the first of the Muhajirs and the Ansars) revealed about Imam Ali? If so, why are the words and structure of the verse in plural?
8859 2012/09/22 Quranic StudiesThe question whether or not verse 100 of chapter 9 ( al-Tawbah ) has been revealed about Imam Ali ( as ) does not have any effect on his being the first Muslim because there is an all out consensus th
Have any Shia books said that Fatima (sa) was angry at Ali (as)?
13111 2012/09/10 تاريخ بزرگان1. The first hadith ( tradition ) in Elal al-Sharaye is regarding a person who lied to Lady Fatima Zahra about Ali seeking the hand of Abul Jahl s daughter for marriage. In reality, there was no such