Questions Archive(Thematic Category:معیار شناسی (دین و اخلاق))
What is the difference between piousness and piety?
6830 2021/03/31 Hadith
According to the Quran, what is the characteristic of the best of people?
4215 2021/03/31 Exegesis
What is the boundary of forgiveness and not tolerating of oppression?
2860 2021/03/30 معیار شناسی (دین و اخلاق)
What are the manners of giving and receiving gifts according to the Holy Prophet (S)?
10046 2013/12/19 PracticalAmong the normative conducts of the Messenger of the Holy Prophet ( S ) is giving and receiving gifts. However, based on the narrations reported from him, exchanging gifts should not be coupled with d