Questions Archive(Thematic Category:حضرت فاطمه زهرا س)
Please provide us with a short biography of Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa)?
2980 2021/03/30 حضرت فاطمه زهرا س
Sunnis believe the Prophet (S) does not have any inheritors or heirs. The question is: Why did, according to their authentic books, all the Prophet’s wives send Uthman to Abu Bakr to demand their inheritance. None among them opposed this except Aisha?!
9033 2017/05/22 HistoryWe believe the prophets leave inheritance and the heirs to them inherit what is left behind but it has been reported in the Sunni textual sources such as Sahih Bukhari that following the demise of t
It is unlikely that Zachariah, the Prophet (AS), might have prayed to God to grant him a child who would inherit him. Hence, why did Lady Fatima Zahra (SA) demand inheritance relying on this verse?
6496 2015/01/05 فدکSome of the verses to which Lady Fatima ( SA ) made reference to prove her right and ownership of Fadak, are related to material inheritance and some others are general and they seem to be more consis
Did the companions of the Holy Prophet (S) give Imam Ali (A.S) and Fatima Zahra (S.A) a wedding banquet and gifts?
8458 2014/05/14 HistoryThere is a narration according to which some of the companions of the Holy Prophet ( S ) brought gifts for the daughter of the Prophet ( S ) , Lady Fatima Zahra ( S.A ) on her wedding ceremony. Abdur
Is Fadak Sermon of Lady Fatima Zahra in Muhammad bin Jarir Tabari’s ‘Dalael al-Imamah’ authentic?
13414 2013/08/12 Contextual studyIn Mohammad bin Jarir Tabari s Dalael al-Imamah different chains of transmission have been mentioned for Hazrat Fatima Zahra s Fadak Sermon. This sermon has been narrated in various books authored by
Have any Shia books said that Fatima (sa) was angry at Ali (as)?
13111 2012/09/10 تاريخ بزرگان1. The first hadith ( tradition ) in Elal al-Sharaye is regarding a person who lied to Lady Fatima Zahra about Ali seeking the hand of Abul Jahl s daughter for marriage. In reality, there was no such