Questions Archive(Thematic Category:پیامبران)
Wasn’t the great affection of the holy Prophet (saw) toward Imam Ali (as) or Prophet Jacob (as) toward Joseph (as) become a cause of jealousy for the others?
3578 2021/03/31 گناه و رذائل اخلاقی
What are the nine miracles of Prophet Moses (as) that are mentioned in the holy Quran?
3013 2021/03/30 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
Do you think that the story mentioned in the holy Quran about the life of Prophet Moses (as) is in harmony with what has been mentioned in the Bible?
2825 2021/03/30 History
According to traditions, what are the moral characteristics of Prophet Jesus (as)?
3048 2021/03/30 Hadith
Please provide us with a short biography of Prophet Jesus (as).
2765 2021/03/30 تاريخ بزرگان
When Imam Ali (as) considered the relinquishing of this world in the way Prophet Jesus did as the feature of a pious, don’t you think this is promoting the monastic life that Islam has not recommended?
2910 2021/03/30 Contextual study