Questions Archive(Thematic Category:خدا و جهان)
Christianity says: We are not servants, because a servant is a captive, while we are not captives! What does Islam say about this?
2516 2021/03/30 ارتباط انسان با جهان
What is your opinion regarding Darwin\'s evolution theory?
8762 2015/09/14 خلقت انسانThere are two theories among biologists regarding the creation of living beings including plants and animals. A Transformism: The doctrine that living organisms have evolved from previously existing
How did Adam\'s offspring grow? Whom did Adam\'s (A.S) children marry?
29285 2015/01/05 HadithAccording to the traditions and some interpreters viewpoints, the current generation of mankind is not from Abel or Cain, it s from Adam s ( A.S ) other son, Seth. However, when it comes to the marria
Why did God choose to keep Himself, hell and heaven and angels hidden from human eye?
8100 2014/02/16 اسلام و ایمانThe angels, heaven, Hell and the reality of sin and reward remaining hidden from human eyes are meant to prepare ground for test and tribulation of human beings because if the curtains or the barriers