Supporters of this method say that the exercise of meditation takes one to a phenomenal place of ideas and thoughts, which have many various purposes and benefits. These benefits include a more wholesome life, a peaceful state of mind, and ...
What the rennet is a substance or strong material we add it to milk in order to make cheese. This material seemingly prepares with the two methods that are as under: 1. via vegetarian mushroom. 2. via the material that exist in animal stomach. Thus, if the ...
According to the different meanings the words "Thar" and "Witr" have, the phrase " السلام علیک یا ثارالله و ابن ثاره و الوتر الموتور " can have different meanings, but the most appropriate meaning would be: "Greetings to you! Oh martyr who Allah seeks vengeance on his murderer, ...
The meaning behind the term of one’s God seeking faculty is that same internal (fitri) inclination and drive towards God the most high. This sense or faculty is a sort of inner call and its source originates in one’s inner nature (called the Fitrah in Islamic lexicon).The ...
Generally speaking, kafir can be divided into kafir from jurisprudential viewpoint and kafir from theological viewpoint, each having different types. Kafir from a jurisprudential perspective includes the original kafir, people of the book and murtadd [apostate]. People of the book are either at war with Muslim community ...
Khums" literally means "one-fifth. In Islamic legal terminology, it means "one-fifth of certain items which a person acquires as wealth by means of farming, trade, industry or by means of working in an office or government department and if his earning exceeds the annual expenses for ...
Apart from the infallibles, other people might, at times, experience ebbs and flows, ups and downs in their beliefs and conviction. Thus they might doubt the existence of God or the genuineness of a divine injunction or start having disorders in their practices but they get back ...
The reason for corruption in Islamic Governments is summarized in one sentence by the Quran: The lack of faith in God and condemnation of taaghut (whatever is not in accord with the divine). On the contrary, faith in God and the condemnation of taaqhut, ...
Almost all Shiite faqihs agree on the nijasah of the kuffar (non-believers), but the impurity of Ahlul Kitab (People of the Book) is an issue of dispute amongst them. You are, however, advised to turn to and act according to the verdict of the Mujtahid whom you ...
Fana’ is an Arabic word and literally means non existence and being annihilated. In the words of the Urafa’, it means for a servant to utterly abide in Allah in a way that the humanistic aspect of the servant fades away in the ...
There is no inconsistence between these two. If we have heard that Prophet Adam has been created six to seven thousand years ago, this might refer to a different and new generation of human beings which started with Prophet Adam (A.S.) and might ...
Eating lobster, clam, oyster and octopus is haram. According to religious resources regarding halal and haram meat, there are general rulings and numerous standards; for instance, a set of rulings has been given for land animals, sea creatures, birds and so on.The condition for halal meat sea ...
Although all Islamic laws are a result of the benefits or disadvantages and harms that back them, and there is a particular reason behind each and every one of them, discovering the exact reason in detail for every one of them is extremely difficult. The most we ...
1. Having conducted a research into Hadith (scriptural) sources, we found out that the narrations about cleaning, dusting and sweeping a house are absolute and unrestricted in the sense that they include both day and night. There is nothing to indicate that dusting and cleaning are forbidden ...
The popular viewpoint amongst Shia scholars and jurisprudents is that a Shia man can get married to a Sunni woman, but there is a difference of opinion regarding the marriage of a Sunni man with a Shia woman; most scholars see it as impermissible.The reasons behind the first ...
According to the Quran a Muslim is one who has absolutely surrendered to Allah and his commands and believes in pure Tawhid (the oneness of God) that isn't tainted with any Shirk and this is why the Almighty has introduced Prophet Abraham as a true ...
One should be aware that although the imam’s names, )especially Imam Ali’s(, haven’t been mentioned in the Quran, nevertheless, their names, )especially Imam Ali’s(, can be found in the Prophet’s sayings. One very good example is the hadith of Ghadir which is considered the official announcement of the appointment of ...
The reason the Shia perform their prayers in three times is the Quranic verses and traditions on the matter. Although the Quran has mentioned that prayer is wajib several times and hasn’t gone into the details, it has spoken of its times: “Maintain the prayer from the sun's ...
According to Islamic teachings and experience of others, for decreasing concupiscence and preventing Jinabat, please refer to the following recommendations: 1. Avoid dreaming and try to make yourself busy with good things such as reading books (non-sexual ones), heavy exercise, etc. Moreover, remember that idleness can lead ...