Questions Archive(Thematic Category:درایه الحدیث)
Which verse of the holy Quran is the identity of Allah, the Almighty?
6796 2021/03/31 Exegesis
How is treason described from the Islamic point of view and what are its effects and consequences?
6730 2021/03/31 Hadith
Does Islam forbid us from getting married to people of black skin?!
7168 2021/03/31 Contextual study
Do the teachings of Islam recommended us not to waste water, even in regards to some obligations such as wudhu and ghusl?
3069 2021/03/31 Hadith
When Imam Ali (as) considered the relinquishing of this world in the way Prophet Jesus did as the feature of a pious, don’t you think this is promoting the monastic life that Islam has not recommended?
2917 2021/03/30 Contextual study
What is the veracity of the supplication “Allahumma kun li-waliyyik al-Hujjatibnil Hasan… and how do we know that it is authentic?
11806 2017/05/22 Contextual studyThis holy supplication has been reported with some variation in different Shia sources including the book of Al-Kafi. It is good to recite this dua for the wellbeing of Imam of Time may Allah hasten h
Which one of the holy Imams (AS) recited Dua Faraj?
9391 2017/05/20 Contextual studyThe term faraj means remedy or improvement or relief from grief and sorrow. [ 1 ] The hadith books which include this term and also duas and deeds a amāl have referred to the same meaning. We suffice
Is it recorded in history that Prophet Abraham (AS) and his wife Sara were brother and sister to each other?
15663 2015/06/25 Contextual studyIt has not stated in the main authentic Shia sources that Abraham AS and Sara were brother and sister to each other. Indeed it has been reported in some Sunni sources and then in some Shia books that
Is it true that every human being has a twin or an associate?
11348 2015/06/09 Contextual studyAs for whether human beings have twins or not there are a few narrations. It has been reported that God the Exalted told Iblis: I will not give Adam a child except that I will give the like of it to y
What are the features and privileges of Behar al-Anwar?
6858 2015/05/03 Contextual studyBehar al-Anwa being a huge hadith collection is the most important work by Allamah Muhammad Baqir Majlisi. It is a big encyclopedia of Shiite traditions encompassing all religious issues and themes in
I have a question concerning a hadith which normally lecturers and orators bring up during religious occasions. It is said that the Holy Prophet of Islam beseeched Allah to reduce the number of the rak\'ats of prayers to 17 as per Prophet Moses\' advice, otherwise it was 50 or 40 or 25. Is such a tradition true and reliable?
6863 2015/05/03 Contextual studyThe details and sequence which you have reported and mentioned in your message are not correct and we have cited the original tradition from Sheikh Saduq s book. This tradition has not been reported i
What was Imam Sadiq (AS)'s argument about God's existence in his debate with Abu Shaker Daysani?
14183 2014/12/10 Contextual studyDuring the lifetime of Imam Ja far Sadiq ( AS ) , theological debates and discussions invovling the Imam himself were carried out quite often. One of the most serious topics around which discussions a
What is the meaning of mutawatir and ma'roof traditions?
9709 2014/10/01 Contextual studyFor information about the meaning of mutawatir traditions and its various types, see index the criterion for verbal, spiritual and ambiguous mutawatir traditions , question 2412. Ma ruf Hadith Diffe
What are the distinct criteria through which we can distinguish a lafdhi mutawatir report from an ijmali or ma\'anawi one?
9406 2014/09/28 Contextual studyMutawatir literally means for things to come one after another, without any interval between them and in hadithic terms, refers to a hadith that has been narrated by a group of narrators that one can
Please give a brief description of features of Barqi's al-Mahasen and the hadith which bears Khidhr's testimony to the leadership of the Imams (A.S)?
10178 2014/06/01 Contextual studyKhalid bin Ahmad al-Barqi has reported a narration in his al-Mahasen almost with the same chain of transmission mentioned in the question. Great scholars like Sheikh Kulayni, Saduq and Nu mani have re
Did the companions of the Holy Prophet (S) give Imam Ali (A.S) and Fatima Zahra (S.A) a wedding banquet and gifts?
8427 2014/05/14 HistoryThere is a narration according to which some of the companions of the Holy Prophet ( S ) brought gifts for the daughter of the Prophet ( S ) , Lady Fatima Zahra ( S.A ) on her wedding ceremony. Abdur
What is meant by this saying of Imam Ali, "Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocosm is placed within you?"
32857 2014/05/14 Contextual studySome mysticism and literary books have ascribed poems to Imam Ali ( A.S ) . For instance, it has been said that Imam Ali ( A.S ) said: Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocos
What kind of a book is Manaqib Murtazawi by Sayyid Muhammad Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi? Are its contents reliable and authentic?
13328 2014/05/14 Contextual studyThe book Kawkab Durri or Manaqi Murtazawi was authored by Sayyid Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi. He is a follower of Sunni school of jurisprudence and theology but he is a lover of the Ahlul-Bayt. He is intell
Is there a tradition of Imam Ali (a.s) in which He says that a mixture of saffron, honey and So’d Kufi has a wonderful effect on memory?
11198 2014/04/20 Contextual studyHowever, such a tradition ( hadith ) which is distributed to Imam Ali ( a.s ) has been mentioned in Bihar al-Anwar and Misbah Kaf ami, but since the tradition has not any Sanad [ i ] and it is not men
Are al-Bayan, al-Iftikhariya and Al-Tatanjiya sermons which are found in Mashariq al-Anwar of Shaykh Rajab Borsi, authentic?
13106 2014/02/06 Contextual studyAl-Iftikhariya Sermon In his Mashariq al-Anwar, [ 1 ] Hafez Rajab Borsi has narrated from Asbagh bin Nabatah a relatively long sermon named Al-Iftikhar Sermon which the narrator has attributed to Ima
Why old age is brilliant light on the Day of Resurrection?
7256 2014/01/22 Contextual studyIn the religion of Islam, old age has been considered to be a privilege for the aged in order for others to respect them. There are two sets of traditions in this regard one of which emphasizes on res
Is the narration concerning the manners of standing, ruku and sujud during prayers authentic?
8010 2014/01/20 Contextual studyConsidering that the narrators who have transmitted are trustworthy and reliable, the hadith can be regarded as authentic and valid. To read a short account on the narrators of this hadith, you should
Is this narration true that the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (A.S) had the power to separate Aisha from her title as the mother of the faithful. Did he do it after the demise of the Prophet (S)? Did Aisha commit indecent actions after the demise of the Holy Prophet (S)?
13613 2014/01/20 Contextual studyThe question will be answered in two parts: A ) Stripping Aisha of Her Title as the Mother of the Faithful There is no such hadith reported in our sources in this connnection. Sa ad bin Abdullah [ 1
Are Ali bin Ibrahim Qummi's tafsir and his masters (mashayikh) reliable?
13088 2014/01/20 Quranic StudiesAli bin Ibrahim bin Hashim Qummi is one of the great Shiite scholars. As per Najashi s and Sheikh Tusi s reports, he has a book titled Tafsir Qummi . The book is available to all for the time being an
Is the tradition mentioned in Shia books about Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) praying behind Marwan bin Hakam reliable?
8954 2013/12/16 Contextual studyThe narrations regarding Imam Hasan and Imam Hussein ( AS ) offering prayers behind Marwan have been narrated in Shia sources through different chains of transmission. One of the narrations has been n
How long will the Imam of Time, Imam Mahdi (AS), will this world rule after he reappears?
17735 2013/12/05 Contextual studyThere are two categories of narrations in this regard which are apparently varied giving differing reports: 1. The first category of narrations has for the major part been extracted from Sunni source
Is Fadak Sermon of Lady Fatima Zahra in Muhammad bin Jarir Tabari’s ‘Dalael al-Imamah’ authentic?
13349 2013/08/12 Contextual studyIn Mohammad bin Jarir Tabari s Dalael al-Imamah different chains of transmission have been mentioned for Hazrat Fatima Zahra s Fadak Sermon. This sermon has been narrated in various books authored by
In which sermon (khutaba) does Imam Ali (a.s.) elaborate on how those who had preceded him as Caliphs reached the caliphate?
8255 2012/12/23 Contextual studyAli, the Commander of the Faithful, speaks about the three caliphs accession to caliphate in the third sermon of Nahjul Balaghah. This sermon is named Shiqshiqiyyah which is derived from a word at the
How a constructive doubt may help shape the iman?
9975 2012/11/07 Contextual studyThis topic is connected to four presuppositions: First, there are two types of doubts: constructive and non-constructive. Second, a constructive doubt can help shape the iman. Third, a construct
I want to know the philosophy behind the Kunday niaz (offering) which is given all over my country in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban.
39581 2012/09/24 Contextual study1. Nazr ( vow ) means making it obligatory upon oneself to do some good act, or to refrain from doing an act which is better not to do, for the sake of, or for the pleasure of Allah. [ 1 ] Thus, it ca
What is philosophy? Why is it bad?
9898 2012/06/02 Contextual studyAs for your question about the alleged hadith, we should say that we looked for it in our hadith collections but we did not find it. As for the definition of philosophy, it has been defined in a num
Is the hadith of Raf’ al-Qalam and the idea that the Shi’ites are absolved of religious duty on the ninth of Rabī’ al-Awwal authentic and valid?
10234 2012/05/21 Contextual studyThis hadith not been narrated in the main and prominent sources of hadith. In addition, what is meant by the absolvement of religious duty ( رفع القلم ) is that their sins are forgiven because of the
Is the chain of narrators of hadith Kisa authentic and how important is this hadith? Please explain the events that are mentioned in this hadith and the events that were followed by the revelation of the verse of Tat’hir.
22824 2012/04/21 Contextual studyDespite the fact that there is some dispute in regard to the details of the events mentioned in hadith Kisa and the verse of Tat hir and a slight difference in the wording of the ahadith, but both Shi
The cursing which is found in Ziyarat Ashura also includes Yazid\'s son. Considering that his son was a good man, how can we consider Ziyarat Ashura as authentic and reliable?
20035 2012/04/04 Contextual studyAll the Banu Umayyah [ lit. Sons of Umayyah ] including Yazid s son have been cursed in Ziyarat Ashura. However, according to some historians Yazid s son and a few other people from the same clan rend
Please explain about the authenticity of the text and chain of transmission of Ziyarat Ashura.
17138 2012/04/03 Contextual studyThere are two reliable books containing this Ziyarat. They are Kamil al-Ziyarat by Ja far bin Muhammad bin Qulawayh Qummi ( 348 A.H. ) and Misbahul Mutahajjid by Shaykh Tusi ( 385 460 A.H. ) . Accordi