Undoubtedly, the power of God, who is the Creator of of all things, is more than Satan in all matters. However, when Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) obeyed Satan's advice and refused to obey God's command, it was not because of the influence of Satan's word; ...
Sin is like a foul-smelling swamp full of sewage; the more one sinks into it, the less he senses its smell, because he actually loses his sense of smell and can't tell that he is drowning anymore.At the same time, anytime one ...
1- If one is not sure whether or not he has missed prayers, he does not have to make up for any.[1] However, if he is sure that he has missed prayers, but he is not sure how many he has (and cannot guess either), ...
If a person controls his nerves and temper, he does not get irritated and angry. This has been referred to in the verses and traditions as “kazm al-ghayz” (lit. swallowing one’s anger). God, the Exalted, considers controlling nerves or swallowing one’s anger and forgiveness to be one ...
Although marriage has been strongly encouraged and great emphasis has been laid on it in Islamic sources, divorce is the most despicable halal act. But sometimes it happens there is not any solution to a family problem in which one can take action for it or else the marital ...
In view of the fact that ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies good and bad moral traits, voluntary conducts and volitional behaviors, it is very much logical and scientific to discuss and put all moral traits together. The good moral traits are certainty, faith, tawakkul ...
Since the Holy Quran is Allah's words and the Prophet of Islam's (P.B.U.H) miracle, Muslims show the special respect to it even at the advent of Islam. According to the verses of Quran, recommendations and narrations of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), Muslims have been observing some special ...
Many different societies and groups of people, including those in today’s civilized world, use signs and symbols to recognize and communicate with one another. Seyyids, as a result of historical occurrences and religious and social motives have also taken on different signs and slogans. From a religious point ...
We must pay attention that even though the Imams’ names are not mentioned in the Quran, but they have been clearly mentioned in the words of the Prophet, especially Imam Ali. The most prominent example of this would be the hadith of Ghadir that is deemed as the ...
Your question concerning the reappearance of the Imam of Time can be investigated around four focal points:First: The signs for his coming are categorized into different groups, one of them being their classification into “certain” and “uncertain” signs: According to some hadiths, five signs are considered “certain” and they ...
There is no inconsistence between these two. If we have heard that Prophet Adam has been created six to seven thousand years ago, this might refer to a different and new generation of human beings which started with Prophet Adam (A.S.) and might ...
Eating lobster, clam, oyster and octopus is haram. According to religious resources regarding halal and haram meat, there are general rulings and numerous standards; for instance, a set of rulings has been given for land animals, sea creatures, birds and so on.The condition for halal meat sea ...
Although all Islamic laws are a result of the benefits or disadvantages and harms that back them, and there is a particular reason behind each and every one of them, discovering the exact reason in detail for every one of them is extremely difficult. The most we ...
1. Having conducted a research into Hadith (scriptural) sources, we found out that the narrations about cleaning, dusting and sweeping a house are absolute and unrestricted in the sense that they include both day and night. There is nothing to indicate that dusting and cleaning are forbidden ...
The popular viewpoint amongst Shia scholars and jurisprudents is that a Shia man can get married to a Sunni woman, but there is a difference of opinion regarding the marriage of a Sunni man with a Shia woman; most scholars see it as impermissible.The reasons behind the first ...
According to the Quran a Muslim is one who has absolutely surrendered to Allah and his commands and believes in pure Tawhid (the oneness of God) that isn't tainted with any Shirk and this is why the Almighty has introduced Prophet Abraham as a true ...
One should be aware that although the imam’s names, )especially Imam Ali’s(, haven’t been mentioned in the Quran, nevertheless, their names, )especially Imam Ali’s(, can be found in the Prophet’s sayings. One very good example is the hadith of Ghadir which is considered the official announcement of the appointment of ...
The reason the Shia perform their prayers in three times is the Quranic verses and traditions on the matter. Although the Quran has mentioned that prayer is wajib several times and hasn’t gone into the details, it has spoken of its times: “Maintain the prayer from the sun's ...
According to Islamic teachings and experience of others, for decreasing concupiscence and preventing Jinabat, please refer to the following recommendations: 1. Avoid dreaming and try to make yourself busy with good things such as reading books (non-sexual ones), heavy exercise, etc. Moreover, remember that idleness can lead ...