Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام جدید)
Can you please introduce some methods in which we can improve and optimize our memory according to the traditions (Ahadith)?
11337 2014/04/20 ModernWe can classify those effective methods of enhancing and optimizing memory and comprehension into some divisions which are as follows: A ) Spiritual methods: 1. Remembering Allah ( by worshiping Him
What is the basic difference between spirituality in Islam and spirituality in Christianity?
23114 2012/12/16 ModernThe value and credibility of spirituality in every religion are connected directly to genuineness and validity of that religion itself. The religious sources of Christianity present such doctrines tha
Why is there not one source of emulation and one Resalah (Manual of Islamic Laws) keeping in view the fact that Islam is not but one faith?
7903 2012/12/01 ModernAccording to Islam, Ijtihad [ i ] is a necessity and the only way through which Islam, the real religion, can survive over the history and ages. Shiite jurisprudents and religious authorities differ o
Why is none of all the Islamic countries in a desired and enviable state? Why are human values not implemented in them?
7625 2012/11/20 ModernIslam dignifies man to a great extent. He is God s vicegerent on earth and, for this reason, Islam respects man in such a way that is not seen in any part of the world because respecting humans does n
Do the discrepancies among religions have something to do with people’s personal and environmental capacity?
7898 2012/11/01 ModernConsidering the terminologies used in this question, the accepted Islamic viewpoint is the evolutionist approach. Islam is a religion which addresses man s God-gifted nature and encompasses all nation
Is it possible to get perfection through any religions other than Islam? What about attaining tawhid (belief in one God)?
10070 2012/11/01 ModernAlthough some facts can be seen with the existing religions in the world the perfect form of truth which is belief in divine unity or one God exists in Islam. The most important reason is that other r
How can girls wear bright (gaudy) dresses on the one hand and go out in public without displaying their beauty on the other?
8460 2012/08/11 ModernAccording to the Quran, man is a creature that has a divine fitra [ God-gifted nature ] on the one hand and a material nature on the other. Not differentiating between them will cause a person to be d
What are the challenges facing Islam – Christianity dialogue?
9086 2012/07/21 ModernFor an answer to the above question, we deemed it appropriate to draw your attention to a lecture delivered by Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani in this regard. There is a clear tendency towards religiosity
What is the meaning of \'al-Islam\' in the verse 19 of Sura Aal-e Imran?
10477 2012/04/04 ModernThe literal meaning of Islam is absolute submission to the will of Allah. The term religion reflects God s expectations from mankind in matters related to his individual and social thoughts, conducts
If Islam was not sent down in the Arabian Peninsula, would hell and heaven be described in the same way as they have been described now?
6941 2012/04/03 ModernThere are two viewpoints in this regard; one that believes that non-religious factors have a role to play in the emergence of religion and another that denies the role of such factors in the formation
What is the Islamic law about having an affair or illicit relationship with a person from the opposite gender? If their relationships do not lead to adultery, are they still sinful?
18394 2012/02/15 TraditionalAdultery is a great sin according to the Quran. God, the Exalted, says: Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful ( deed ) and an evil, opening the road ( to other evils ) . [ 1 ] In this short
What does Shia doctrine say about the awaited Mahdi?
11809 2012/01/17 TraditionalSince the above question is too vague and general, we decided to have a brief introduction of Imam’s ( AJ ) lifestyle, assertions from the unseen ( akhbar ghaibi ) and signs of his reappearance.His na
Does the knowledge of the imams, as portrayed by the Shias, contradict Khatamiyyah?
7342 2011/11/21 ModernThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Did the Imams battle for power and did they want a hereditary form of government?
8250 2011/11/09 TraditionalFirstly, the seerah ( biography ) of the Imams shows that the Imams did not struggle for power nor did they have a craving for power. If at times they were defending their rights, it was because they
What is the station of intercession on the Day of Resurrection?
9277 2011/11/03 TraditionalShafa ah ( intercession ) is derived from shaf which means even as opposed to odd - the interceder adds his own recommendation to the plea of the petitioner; in this way the number of pleaders becomes
What are the causes of the emergence and development of different sects among Muslims?
24549 2011/11/03 TraditionalThere are different factors involved in the emergence of different sects, religions and denominations among Muslims. They include the following: Discarding the Holy Prophet s Will and recommendations
How is the communication of spirits with people on earth?
9800 2011/10/29 TraditionalThe Possibility of Communicating with the SpiritsIt is said that one way to obtain information from other worlds is to make contact with spirits.Take note of the following in this regards;A – Such con
Considering that the Quran says that there is no difference among the prophets, why are the Prophet of Islam (s) and Shiite Imams higher in rank than the other prophets? Did the infallible Imams (a) have the power to commit sins?
8228 2011/10/24 TraditionalThe above question has been propounded in two parts one of which has been dealt with in our previous answer to similar questions. The other part consists of two main points that need to be studied her
Could you provide me with the complete sermon of the Holy Prophet (s) at Ghadir Khum?
9212 2011/10/20 TraditionalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Please explain what religious pluralism is and the difference between it and the interpretations of religion.
8047 2011/08/15 Modern1. Pluralism is multiplicity. It has different meanings in the philosophy of religion, ethics, law, political science, etc. The common factor that is true for all of these is to acknowledge multiplici
If a person falls ill, should he seek treatment a) with a doctor, or b) by eating dust from near Imam al-Husayn’s grave, or c) through supplication?
7915 2011/08/15 ModernEach of the aforementioned actions could potentially cure his illness independently or by combining with the other two. However, the best course is to accompany all our actions—among which are medical
Did religion come to imprison us or to set us free?
8530 2011/08/15 ModernFreedom, from the point of view of religion, can be studied under two headings: spiritual freedom and socio-political freedom. From the spiritual perspective, man’s essence or immaterial self is free
What are the signs for the reemergence of the Master of the Age [i.e. the Twelfth Imam]?
9592 2011/08/10 ModernThe topic of the signs of the re-emergence is a complicated one and calls for a thorough investigation of all the related narrations. However, in brief, the signs fall under two categories. One group
We know of many people around the world who are not Muslims or Shi`a but are nevertheless individuals of good conduct; for example, non-Muslims are responsible for many inventions. Is it right that they all deserve to be punished in Hell because they are not Muslims?
11393 2011/08/10 ModernThose who do not believe in Islam can be classified into two groups:1. Those who are termed ‘Jahil-e-Muqassir’ ( lit. ‘culpable ignorant’ ) . These are non-believers to whom the message of Islam has r
Is religion compatible with politics?
8348 2011/08/10 ModernA religion that has come in order to explain the path to felicity from now until the end of time cannot remain indifferent to a matter that all societies need, that is, government. In other words, th
What is the Solution to the inconsistency between the legislative wilayat (authority) of the Imams and the sealing of Prophethood?
7270 2011/04/20 ModernThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Has the Quran solved all the problems people face in their lives?
15346 2011/04/20 ModernWe believe that the Quran enjoys comprehensiveness and is capable of solving all problems of people s lives, but such a claim does not mean we should expect the Quran to solve everything, even the pro
What does it mean for ethics to be based upon religion?
7978 2011/04/20 ModernIn the discussion regarding the relationship between religion and ethics, there are two general views about the benefits of the morals and ethics.1. Ethics is a matter independent of religion and
What are the definition, place and necessity of Taqlid?
8260 2011/04/06 Modern‘Aql or reason which is endorsed by the Shari’ah and associated with jurisprudence is different from the manipulative intellect which we use in our lives. Although the intellect is also endorsed by di
What is the Jews’ belief concerning the return (raj’ah) of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)?
10079 2010/11/09 TraditionalSimilar to other faiths and people, the Jews definitely believe in the coming of a savior at the end of time. In the current Torah, there are many glad tidings of the coming of a universal reformer. I
Which heaven was the heaven in which Prophet Adam resided?
23609 2010/03/13 TraditionalThere are different viewpoints regarding this matter amongst Quranic commentators:A number of them believe that Prophet Adam s heaven was simply a beautiful and thriving garden on earth.Some, unlike t
What is the scope of the mind in Islam and when and where can one use it regarding religious matters?
9907 2010/01/06 ModernThe mind is the most valuable faculty that Allah ( swt ) has endowed man with and it bears different degrees and classifications.1- Theoretical intellect: Whose job is to know about realities and judg
What is really meant by Islam being the seal of religions and what are the flaws of Dr. Soroush's theory?
9276 2009/11/25 ModernPaying attention to these points can be beneficial:1- The fact that the prophet of Islam was the seal of prophets making Islam the seal of religions is pointed out in verse 40 of surah Ahzab, and what
Why is Lady Fatimah’s (as) grave still concealed, while Imam Ali's (as) grave was discovered?
7414 2009/09/23 ModernThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Why were we brought to a world in which sinning is possible just because of Prophet Adam’s mistake?
9778 2009/09/23 TraditionalAll prophets of Allah ( swt ) are infallible and invulnerable to sin, and what Prophet Adam ( pbuh ) did was that he simply didn’t take heed in Allah s ( swt ) advice, which is not considered true dis