Questions Archive(Thematic Category:بزرگان)
Did the Ansar believe in the caliphate of Abu Bakr and is that why they did bey’ah with him?
12505 2011/05/08 Exalted scholarsIn our view, doing bey’ah and pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr without the presence of Imam Ali ( as ) and without his consultation, who, compared to the prophet, according to the famous hadith of manz
Please explain for me the procedure of acquiring education in the Islamic Seminary (Hawzah) and in its stages?
8207 2011/02/14 The infalliblesTo deal with all the questions in your message at length will definitely take a long time. However, a general answer to your question would be as follows: Acquiring education in all disciplines and fi
What is Sufism? Was Imam Khomeini (r.a) a Sufi?
14809 2011/01/27 PracticalThe lexical root of tasawwuf is variously traced to sūf wool , referring to the simple wool-made cloaks the early Muslim ascetics wore and who claimed to purify their inner self from filth and stay aw
Are Abbas Bin Abdul Muttalib and his children unbelievers from the Shia perspective?
19141 2010/04/20 Exalted scholarsAbbas bin Abdul Muttalib was the respected uncle of the Holy Prophet ( s ) . While he is not considered as part of the ‘Ahlul Bait’ he is one of those who are given special respect by the Shias. For e
Are there any women who reached the rank of ijtihad in religious seminaries?
9432 2007/11/04 تاريخ بزرگانA worthy interaction of Islam with science, and requiring that from every Muslim man and woman, has resulted in women always studying the sciences in Islamic communities and finally some of them reach
What advice does Ayatollah Khomenehie give to the Muslims in America?
8525 2007/02/10 ModernAsalaamu Alaikum,Other than the topics which he has conveyed in his public announcements ( which are available on his website [ 1 ] ) the Supreme Leader has not expressed anything else in particular.