Questions Archive(Thematic Category:تاریخ فقه)
What educational system is followed in Iranian Howzah schools?
8142 2011/11/21 History of FiqhToday education in Iranian Howzah schools starts when students attend these schools after finishing middle school or high school ( and achieving a diploma ) . During their educational career they pass
What is the reason for mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s)?
9212 2011/11/19 History of FiqhThe events which have taken place in the history of every society hold valuable experiences and lessons that have been achieved with great pain and at a heavy price. Those experiences and lessons are
Is there any reason for the permissibility of chest beating and self-hitting of some Muslims that is done in Muharram and other times?
19526 2011/04/20 History of FiqhMourning for Imam Husein ( as ) is one of the highest forms of worship, and doing anything for him that is considered a form of mourning in culture and society is permissible, unless it really brings
What is the Islamic law concerning marriage between a Sayed and a non-Sayed?
9426 2010/11/28 History of FiqhThere is no problem in the marriage between Sayed girls or women with non-Sayed Shiite men as it is not necessary for Sayed girls and women to marry Sayed men [ 1 ] . None of the jurists have forbidde
Did Imam Husein (as) have a son named 'Abdullah', thus being called Aba Abdillah?
17200 2010/02/14 History of FiqhSome sources have mentioned that the Imam s surname ( Aba Abdellah ) is because of the name of his infant child named Abdullah that was only six months old and was martyred in Karbala. [ 1 ] There is
What sources have mentioned the hadiths that speak of the events and oppression towards Imam Ali (as) that were to take place in the future?
8347 2009/08/15 History of FiqhThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Why did Imam Ali (as) say nothing when Lady Fatimah (as) was bothered and offended?
18150 2008/09/18 History of FiqhThere is no contradiction between Imam Ali ( as ) not defending Lady Fatimah ( as ) and her being offended and oppressed and between his courage and strength and being there when it all took place. Th