Questions Archive(Thematic Category:اختلاف در قرآن)
What is the story of Salih’s she-camel in the Quran and the controversy that exists surrounding its death?
18487 2012/09/13 ExegesisOne of the methods used by the Quran through its verses is the use of ijmal and tafsil ( brevity and detail ) . There are three verses among the verses concerning the event of the death of Salih s she
Based on verses 146 -148 of chapter 26, Samood tribe lived in a land with many water springs but verse 28 of chapter 54 states that there was only one spring in their land. Which one of these is true in your opinion?
14255 2012/09/08 ExegesisA closer look at the details in Quranic verses and traditions on the story of water sharing between Samood tribe and Salih s camel indicates that even after the emergence of the camel out of the mount