Questions Archive(Thematic Category:مبطلات روزه)
My wife and I had sexual intercourse while we were fasting. What are we supposed to do and what is the Islamic law?
8486 2013/08/13 Laws and JurisprudenceYour fast is void and if you did not know, due to inculpable ignorance [ jahl-e qusuri ] , that sexual intercourse invalidates the fast, only the qadha of the fast is obligatory on you. You must keep
What is the opinion of maraja' related to several traditions in Shia literature mentioning the permissibility of sexual contact during fasting and saying that it does not affect the fast?
10153 2013/07/29 جنابتAs for your question, we must say that as it has been mentioned in your message, Shaykh Hurr Amili has opened a chapter in his Wasail al-Shi ah entitled Rules Regarding Anal Intercourse without Ejacul