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Although marriage has been strongly encouraged and great emphasis has been laid on it in Islamic sources, divorce is the most despicable halal act. But sometimes it happens there is not any solution to a family problem in which one can take action for it or else the marital life would turn into hell. Hence, if you have taken every necessary and wise action to make your marriage a success and to fulfill your legitimate demands and if your husband is such a self-centered person that he cares for his own psychological needs only and is not in the least caring for your legitimate demands which makes it difficult for you to tolerate, then divorce is the last solution. Of course, it has been stated in the religious doctrines that if you tolerate such difficulties, God, the Exalted, will reward you for the same. In case, it is no longer possible for you to live with him, you can ask your husband to divorce you and you have not committed a sin by doing so. Therefore, you should not feel guilty, even if it is you who first made a request for divorce.