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Approximately 35 animals have been named in the Quran; the birds and insects of which are:
Salwa (سلوی)=The quail (Baqarah:57), Ba’uth (بعوض)=Mosquito (Baqarah:26), Dhubab (ذباب)=Fly (Hajj:73), Nahl (نحل)=Honeybee (Nahl:68), Ankabut (عنکبوت)=Spider (Ankabut:41), Jarad (جراد)=Grasshopper (A’raf:133), HudHud (هدهد)=Hoopoe (Naml:20), Ghurab (غراب)=Crow (Ma’idah:31), Ababil (ابابیل)= probably ‘Swallow’ (Fil:3), Naml (نمل)=Ant (Naml:18), Farash (فراش)=Butterfly (Al-Qari’ah), Qummal (قمّل)=Flea (A’raf:133).
Also, other animals have been mentioned in the Quran which are as follows:
Qirdah (قرده)=Monkey (Baqarah:65), Bighal (بغال)=Mule (Nahl:16), Ghanam/Na’jah/Dha’n/Ma’z (غنم/نعجه/ضأن/معز)=Sheep (An’am:143-146 and Sad:23-24), Dhi’b (ذئب)=Wolf (Yusuf:15), Ba’ir (بعیر) and Jamal (جمل)=Camel (Yusuf:65; A’raf:40…), Qaswarah (قسورة)=Lion (Muddathir:51), Kheyl (خیل)/Jiyad (جیاد)(plural of جواد)/Safinat (صافنات)(plural of صافنة)=Horse (Nahl:8; Sad:51), Baqar (بقر)=Cow (Baqarah:70), Ijl (عجل)=Calf (Hud:69), Hayyah (حیة)=Snake (Taha:20), Thu’ban (ثعبان)=Python (A’raf:107), Himar/Hamir (حمار/حمیر)=Donkey (Nahl:8; Baqarah:259), Khinzir (خنزیر)=Pig (Baqarah:173), Kalb (کلب)=Dog (A’raf:176), Nun/Hut (نون/حوت)=Fish (Anbiya:87; Kahf:63), Dhafadi’ sin. Dhifda’ (ضفادع)=Frog (A’raf:133), Fil (فیل)=Elephant (Fil:1). The Quran has also mentioned the names of different types of camels such as: بحیره/سائب/حام/وصیله (Ma’idah:103).
Question 1542 (website:1819) (The Quran and the names of animals) has also addressed this matter and can be beneficial. Also, you can refer to the Encyclopedia by a group of writers of the Islamic Development Organization for looking up statistics and finding the names of different things and people and the like.
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