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Last Updated: 2009/09/13
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Which animals and insects have been named in the Quran?
Which animals and insects have been named in the Quran?
Concise answer

Approximately 35 animals have been named in the Quran; the birds and insects of which are:

Salwa (سلوی)=The quail (Baqarah:57), Ba’uth (بعوض)=Mosquito (Baqarah:26), Dhubab (ذباب)=Fly (Hajj:73), Nahl (نحل)=Honeybee (Nahl:68), Ankabut (عنکبوت)=Spider (Ankabut:41), Jarad (جراد)=Grasshopper (A’raf:133), HudHud (هدهد)=Hoopoe (Naml:20), Ghurab (غراب)=Crow (Ma’idah:31), Ababil (ابابیل)= probably ‘Swallow’ (Fil:3), Naml (نمل)=Ant (Naml:18), Farash (فراش)=Butterfly (Al-Qari’ah), Qummal (قمّل)=Flea (A’raf:133).

Also, other animals have been mentioned in the Quran which are as follows:

Qirdah (قرده)=Monkey (Baqarah:65), Bighal (بغال)=Mule (Nahl:16), Ghanam/Na’jah/Dha’n/Ma’z (غنم/نعجه/ضأن/معز)=Sheep (An’am:143-146 and Sad:23-24), Dhi’b (ذئب)=Wolf (Yusuf:15), Ba’ir (بعیر) and Jamal (جمل)=Camel (Yusuf:65; A’raf:40…), Qaswarah (قسورة)=Lion (Muddathir:51), Kheyl (خیل)/Jiyad (جیاد)(plural of جواد)/Safinat (صافنات)(plural of صافنة)=Horse (Nahl:8; Sad:51), Baqar (بقر)=Cow (Baqarah:70), Ijl (عجل)=Calf (Hud:69), Hayyah (حیة)=Snake (Taha:20), Thu’ban (ثعبان)=Python (A’raf:107), Himar/Hamir (حمار/حمیر)=Donkey (Nahl:8; Baqarah:259), Khinzir  (خنزیر)=Pig (Baqarah:173), Kalb (کلب)=Dog (A’raf:176), Nun/Hut (نون/حوت)=Fish (Anbiya:87; Kahf:63), Dhafadi’ sin. Dhifda’ (ضفادع)=Frog (A’raf:133), Fil (فیل)=Elephant (Fil:1). The Quran has also mentioned the names of different types of camels such as: بحیره/سائب/حام/وصیله (Ma’idah:103).

Question 1542 (website:1819) (The Quran and the names of animals) has also addressed this matter and can be beneficial. Also, you can refer to the Encyclopedia by a group of writers of the Islamic Development Organization for looking up statistics and finding the names of different things and people and the like.

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