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  • Does divine infinity mean that He is ambiguous?
    7338 Philosophy of Gnosis 2012/02/08
    Divine infinity does not signify mathematical and numerical infinity; rather it means absoluteness and possession of all attributes of perfection. Knowing the One God, as the most perfect being with the most perfect attributes and devoid of any imperfection and deficiency and understanding His relationship with the world which is ...
  • Is there any punishment for touching and hugging a non-Mahram?
    53335 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/01/03
    It is haram (forbidden) for a non-mahram man and a non-mahram woman to seek any kind of pleasures from each other (it is even forbidden for them to cast lustful look at each other). It is for the same reason that, according to Islam, it is not permissible for a ...
  • What is the view of the majority of scholars regarding Wilayah Faqih during the major Occultation?
    9067 Traditional 2012/01/17
    For over a thousand years, Shi’a scholars have been cultivating the concept of Wilayah Faqih, its bounds and its privileges. Some, such as Abu al-Salah Halabi and Ibn Idris Hilli , have addressed the issue of qualifications for a representative to the ...
  • Are there any insects and animals in the world of genies? Are these also made of fire like genies? Also, are there plants and trees in the world of genies?
    6998 Traditional 2012/08/28
    Although we do not see genies and may not be able to prove their existence through scientific and philosophical arguments, we must believe in them because the Holy Quran, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and Infallible Imams (a.s) have confirmed their existence. In the Holy Quran, the ...
  • What is the purpose of creating mankind and the world?
    12058 Traditional 2008/07/20
    God Almighty is a never-ending entity possessing all forms of perfection and creating is His grace. Since Allah (swt) is the All-Graceful, granting everything and anything possible, his being graceful calls for him to create all things that can and deserve to be created. So, Allah (swt) creates because ...
  • What is the cure for doubts and obsession in beliefs?
    13989 وسواس 2015/06/29
    As you have stated in your message, you are suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder, is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, have certain thoughts repeatedly, or feel they need to perform certain routines repeatedly. There is no doubt that most of ...
  • Is conditional divorce effective?
    6919 Laws and Jurisprudence 2010/06/21
    One of the conditions of the validity and effectiveness of the divorce formula is for it not to be made contingent upon any condition. Consequently, if the husband says “If Zayd comes you are divorced”[1] or “If the sun rises you are ...
  • What does it mean to do liwat?
    34278 Laws and Jurisprudence 2010/12/21
    Liwat takes place when the glans is inserted into the anus of another man[1]; this sin is one of the greatest sins which the Quran introduces as the sin the people of Prophet Lut (pbuh) that brought about their punishment and annihilation from God.[2] ...
  • Do prophets bear all virtues and perfection, or do they pass some stages in this world as well?
    8462 Traditional 2009/09/03
    The infallibles, the prophets and imams, are all human just like everyone else, without any difference from this point of view and this is something that the Quran points to as well.Therefore, it isn't possible for them to be born into this world bearing all virtues and ...
  • Considering the many verses in the Quran that praise the Sahabah, why do the Shia scold them?
    14146 Traditional 2009/08/22
    Without a doubt, the verses you have mentioned and other verses have all been revealed in praise of the true followers and companions of the prophet (pbuh), nevertheless, if one focuses more on them and the verses that sometimes scold some of the Sahabah, and if one looks ...
