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Questions Archive(Thematic Category:تفسیر)

  • What does Islam say about life on other planets?
    22512 2007/02/22 Exegesis
                Man has always pondered the thought of whether or not there are other living organisms or intelligent life forms in other galaxies or on other planets; however a definite answer has yet to
  • Did Satan have children, and if so, are they cursed as well?
    24926 2007/01/01 Exegesis
                Satan has a number of children which help him and almost all of his children have chosen the same path as he has and thus have been cursed and rejected as well, except for a few of them; l
  • Was Hazrat Adam (P.B.U.H.) Black?
    33850 2006/11/25 Exegesis
                There are several interpretations in the Quran on the creation of man, which show that the creation of man had several stages, which were as follows: [ 1 ]  Creation from dirt:O people ! I

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