Questions Archive(Thematic Category:روش شناسی)
Is it a must that the trousers must not pass the ankle?
6857 2013/05/15 دستور العمل هاThere is a chapter in Kulayni s Al-Kafi titled Tashmir al-Theyab in which it has been pointed out that it is preferred that the clothe a person wears should not be so long to be dragged on earth. Howe
What measures have traditions prescribed for nervous relaxation and mental calmness?
7895 2013/04/18 PracticalIf a person controls his nerves and temper, he does not get irritated and angry. This has been referred to in the verses and traditions as kazm al-ghayz ( lit. swallowing one s anger ) . God, the Exal
Does God accept repentance for illegitimate relationships?
10641 2013/04/09 توبهThere are certain conditions for real and genuine repentance which if met, will be accepted by God. These conditions are: 1. The sinner should have committed the sin out of ignorance and unawareness;
Are there any guidelines from the Ahlulbayt (as) suggesting any specific foods and diet for a child’s development apart from the mother’s milk?
8122 2012/09/24 گوناگونIn this commotion-filled world and era in which human societies have turned into a scene for competition and rivalry for reaching worldly and material ends, many people are putting all their thoughts
What does Islam recommend for a man to be cleaned and well-dressed?
10478 2012/02/14 TheoreticalObserving cleanliness is necessary everywhere and for all men and women. One should always keep his body and clothes clean and tidy. He should wash his hands and face every morning brush his teeth an