Questions Archive(Thematic Category:حدیث)
If you Shias are right about Muawiyah being a ‘factory’ of hadith fabrication, show me some hadiths that have praised Muawiyah and Yazid in Sunni sources. If you are right, then cite one example.
28400 2010/09/20 Contextual studyThere is no doubt that ahadith have been fabricated in praise of Muawiyah. Some have even written books in his praise, such as Ibn Hajar, whose book is titled “Tat’hir al-Jinan wa al-Lisan”. Also, som
Why do Muslims believe that Jews are cursed?
23004 2010/09/04 Contextual studyThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is meant by the passage of Ziyarat Ashura that speaks of the imams being refused their position and status?
7377 2010/08/22 Contextual studyThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
How do you the Shia believe Muawiyah to be “A factory of hadith forgery”, when most of the hadiths of the Sunnis were compiled and gathered after the period of the Umayyids?
9239 2010/08/22 Contextual studyAccording to reports in history that can t be denied, the transcription of hadiths was banned by Umar, and since there was no written proof around and also, because there were more than enough motives
Who are meant by ‘Arwah’ in the passage “اَلسَّلامُ عَلَیْکَ یا اَبا عَبْدِ اللَّهِ وَ عَلَى الْاَرْواحِ الَّتى حَلَّتْ بِفِنائکَ”?
10767 2010/08/21 Contextual studyThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is Imam Ali’s (a) viewpoint on the intellect of women versus that of men?
18237 2010/08/17 Contextual studyImam Ali ( a ) has never said that men are higher and more superior than women in terms of intellect and emotions. What has been attributed to Imam Ali ( a ) in the Nahjul Balagha, if it is authentic
Why didn't the Prophet and his household write their own hadith books?
9355 2010/07/21 Contextual studyDue to the will of Allah the Prophet of Islam never received an education, never read a book and never wrote one, and it is clear why Allah wanted the prophet to remain like that. The prophet s everla
Is the Nahjul-Balaghah an authentic, trustworthy and reliable Islamic source in the view of scholars?
14842 2010/06/21 Contextual studyThe Nahjul-Balaghah is a vast and never-ending sea of Islamic teachings and knowledge about the Origin, resurrection, revelation, angels, the non-material world, the realm of malakut, politics, teachi
Is Sahih al-Bukhari considered to be an authentic source? Why can't the Hadith al-Thaqalayn be found in it?
14480 2010/05/26 Contextual studyThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Have the books of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim undergone alteration and change? What were the reasons behind such alterations?
11226 2010/05/20 Contextual studyThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the Sunni viewpoint regarding the Mus’haf of Imam Ali (as)?
17371 2010/04/06 Contextual studyWhat is meant by the Mus’haf of Imam Ali ( as ) is the Quran in which he compiled after the passing of the prophet ( pbuh ) . In this Quran things like the exact order of the verses and surahs accordi
Is there such a hadith that says: "There will come a day that there will be 73 different Muslim sects"?
10839 2010/02/20 Contextual studyThe hadiths that relate to the Ummah s division have been cited and narrated through various chains of Sunni and Shia narrators.All of them have spoken of the division of the prophet’s ummah after him
Do listening to and reciting duas share the same thawab?
26652 2010/02/09 Science of narratorsAllah ( swt ) is aware of the inside of His servants, but at the same time, He has said that He likes it when they actually verbalize their needs and supplications and that such entails great rewards.
Was Prophet Adam the eighth person to live on earth?
40493 2009/12/17 Contextual studyAccording to Islamic teachings firstly: there is no doubt that Prophet Adam was the first person of the current generation of human beings and that this generation are all born from him. Secondly, bef
Which people is the hadith that says during the return of Imam Mahdi (aj) some will lose their faiths and others who are kafir will embrace faith, speaking of?
10774 2009/11/25 Contextual studyThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Isn't there a contradiction between when Imam Ali (as) gave his ring to the beggar while in prayer and when an arrow was pulled out of his foot in prayer and he didn’t feel anything?
13931 2009/10/22 Contextual studyIn response to your question, the following points can be pointed to:1- Man has the potential to acquire virtues through performing certain acts that please Allah ( swt ) , and reach a point in which
How do we return to nothingness?
8095 2009/09/23 Contextual studyThis question doesn t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
It has been narrated that [Imam] Ja`far Ibn Muhamad said: “Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) used to put his face between the breasts of [his daughter] Fatimah (as) before going to sleep." (Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 43, p. 78). Is this hadith valid?
29077 2008/07/13 Contextual study- Our hadiths are categorized into two groups; some are dependable that have authentic chains of narrators, and others aren’t dependable which are unauthentic or their chain of narrators isn’t clear e
Did Umar scold and punish Abu-Hurairah as a result of him forging hadiths?
43866 2008/07/02 Science of narratorsBukhari, Muslim, Dhahabi, Imam Abu Ja’far Iskafi, Muttaqi Hindi and others have reported that the second khalifah, whipped Abu-Hurairah as a result of him going too far in forging hadiths from the Pro
What is the time frame in which Dua Ahd should be read in?
8234 2008/05/25 Contextual studyIt has been stated in traditions that whosoever recites this hadith for forty days in the morning, he/she will be one of the companions of Imam Zaman ( a.s. ) and … [ 1 ] . Conclusion: Dua Ahd needs t
Is the following hadith correct: “The obedience of Ali (a.s.) is humility and modesty, and disobeying him is kufr.”?
10513 2008/05/12 Contextual studyWhat this hadith is conveying is completely correct because its meaning is mutawatir, meaning that a very high number of hadiths disclose the same meaning and confirm it, such that one becomes sure th
can you please tell me about the life of (Imam) Bukhari?
12298 2008/02/13 Contextual studyAbu Abdullah, Muhammad Ibn Ismael Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mughaireh, Ibn Bardzih, Jafi Al-Bukhari is one of the most celebrated Sunni Narrators [ of Hadiths ] .He was born in 194 Hijri ( Lunar Calendar ) in o