Questions Archive(Thematic Category:پیامبران و امامان)
Is there any solidarity between the Prophets’ school of thought and did they have common goals?
6116 2021/03/31 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
According to which verse of the Quran did the holy Prophet (saw) write the letter to the kingdoms around Arabia? In his letters, did the holy Prophet (saw) threaten the rulers of those countries with war in case they don’t accept Islam?
2912 2021/03/31 پیامبری برای جهانیان
What are the nine miracles of Prophet Moses (as) that are mentioned in the holy Quran?
3013 2021/03/30 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
Like the holy Quran, has the text of the Bible that was sent down from Allah or the sayings of the Prophet Jesus (as) been collected by his companions?
2914 2021/03/30 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
Prophet Khidr (as) killed a person before committing crime, but why didn’t Imam Ali (as) kill his murderer ibn Muljam (la), believing that this would be a punishment of a crime not yet committed?!
3223 2021/03/30 Exegesis
Why didn’t the prophets and imams leave any works behind as inventors and scientists did so that they could be prouder? Do Shiites have scholarly or scientific achievements to be proud of ?
5980 2017/05/22 نقش شیعه در گسترش اسلامReligion is not bound to create material means for man s life. This is a duty of human beings themselves to use their mind and faculty of reason to create such things. Basically it is wrong to expect
In view of the fact that the earth must never be devoid of a divine authority, who was the divine authority in the time gap between the ascension of Prophet Jesus (AS) and prophetic mission of the Prophet of Islam?
6433 2017/01/24 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانیThe period of cessation is the period of time between the end of one prophet s time and the beginning of the next; it is a time of freedom from divine authority. The existence of such a period is not
In view of the fact that Prophet Jesus (AS) is alive, why does the Qur\'an use the term "mutawaffik" which means "I will cause you to die"?
8561 2015/08/04 ExegesisWhat has given rise to this question is in fact some incorrect translations of this verse. Hence if the exact meaning of this verse is clarified the question will be answered and the ambiguity shall b
Was anyone appointed as prophet by Allah from European and Indian peoples (not Semites)?
12663 2015/04/18 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانیMan is a duty-bound creature and duty would necessitate prophets to be appointed and sent to deliver obligations, messages and injunctions to him, otherwise duty would be unwise or meaningless. The Ho
What was the first fruit eaten by Adam on earth?
26551 2014/09/23 HadithThe story of Adam and Eve residing in Paradise and their expulsion from there occurs in the Holy Quran. For information about this topic, read the following answers on our website: The Sin of Adam a
Can Satan and angels know our thoughts or only Allah knows them?
16697 2014/06/23 فرشتگانKnowledge of the unseen is prerogative of God. None other than God has knowledge of the unseen independently of God. However, every existent that has been allowed by God to have knowledge of the unsee
Who became prophets in their childhood?
8592 2013/12/05 HistoryFollowing a research in the verses of the Holy Quran and sayings of the Infallibles ( A.S ) about the prophetic mission of the prophets, we came t the conclusion that only two prophets were appointed
Who are the people of Gog and Magog? Where did they end up? What were the actions taken by Dhul-Qarnayn against them?
18425 2012/12/16 ExegesisIt is inferred from the Quranic verses, the information provided by Torah and historical evidence that these people lived in north Asia. They were known for their atrocious and barbaric attacks creati
Is it possible to get perfection through any religions other than Islam? What about attaining tawhid (belief in one God)?
10032 2012/11/01 ModernAlthough some facts can be seen with the existing religions in the world the perfect form of truth which is belief in divine unity or one God exists in Islam. The most important reason is that other r
What is the story of Salih’s she-camel in the Quran and the controversy that exists surrounding its death?
18454 2012/09/13 ExegesisOne of the methods used by the Quran through its verses is the use of ijmal and tafsil ( brevity and detail ) . There are three verses among the verses concerning the event of the death of Salih s she
Based on verses 146 -148 of chapter 26, Samood tribe lived in a land with many water springs but verse 28 of chapter 54 states that there was only one spring in their land. Which one of these is true in your opinion?
14233 2012/09/08 ExegesisA closer look at the details in Quranic verses and traditions on the story of water sharing between Samood tribe and Salih s camel indicates that even after the emergence of the camel out of the mount
What were Islam's propagation methods?
18355 2012/08/21 The infalliblesPropagation means conveying a message and since the mission of all divine prophets particularly the holy prophet of Islam ( S ) was to bring humanity forth from darkness into light, propagation enjoys
What are the challenges facing Islam – Christianity dialogue?
9041 2012/07/21 ModernFor an answer to the above question, we deemed it appropriate to draw your attention to a lecture delivered by Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani in this regard. There is a clear tendency towards religiosity