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Last Updated: 2010/11/10
Summary of question
What is the ruling regarding joyful and rousing music mixed with a song by a female singer?
If a person is interested in listening to foreign music that has been mixed with a song by a female singer and which, on the whole, keeps us relaxed and uplifted for daily activities – not for sin – what is the Islamic law about it?
Concise answer

If foreign music is of ghina and haram type, it is not permissible to listen to it. Haram music is the music which is commensurate with the gatherings of entertainment and moral depravity. According to jurisprudents, it is absolutely not permissible to listen to such type of music irrespective of whether it is mixed with a woman’s voice or that of a man or whether it is sung directly or played on a tape; it does not become lawful under the pretext of getting relaxed and uplifted for daily activities.

Detailed Answer

If it is a kind of music which is, according to Muslims’ view, used for debauchery and entertainment gathering, it is haram and it is not permissible to play or listen to it irrespective of whether the song mixed with it is sung by a female singer or a male one, or whether it is sung directly or played on a tape, or whether one listens to it in private or in the presence of others or whether it has an effect on him or it does not. Prohibition of music is a part of the fixed rules of Shiite jurisprudence and it will not change insofar as any of the above circumstances concerning music remain applicable. Therefore, the pretexts like becoming lively, relaxed and uplifted for work etc. will not make it halal.[1]

For further information about the reasons for prohibition and impermissibility of music and its rationales, see: Answer: 932 (site: 1004).

We have also sent your question to the offices of some grand jurists and the following answers have been received:

Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (may Allah grant him long life):

Generally speaking, if music is frivolous and exciting and it is considered to be commensurate with the gatherings of sin, it is forbidden to listen to it. As for a woman’s voice, if it is in a ghina tone or if a person listens to it with the intention of seeking pleasure or if it entails an evil, it is not permissible.

Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani (may Allah grant him long life):

It is not permissible to play or listen to music that is suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings. The crucial line is in it being commensurate with the gatherings of entertainment and moral depravity.

Office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi (may Allah grant him long life):

It is not permissible.

For further explanation vide: Answers 1078 (site: 1256) and 2832 (site: 3064).

[1] -  Supreme Leader Ayatollah Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, Answers to Fiqh Questions, Farsi, vol.2, pg.19, 1st edition, Al-Hoda Publications, 2001;  Answers to Questions on Fiqh by Imam Khomeini, pg.571, 1st edition, Mehrab Publications; Answers to Questions on Fiqh by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, pg. 148, 1st edition, 1379; Jurisprudential Questions from Ayatollah Bahjat’s Office; and other jurisprudential sources.

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