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There are not precise details about the lives of many personalities and nobles including the divine prophets except a few of them; the historical sources lack any information about their lives, the circumstances of their deaths and their burial locations. So disagreement exists among the historians in this regard.
Meanwhile, what is available sporadically about the lives of the prophets – other than the Prophet of Islam (s) – is that Noah and Adam's graves are in the shrine of Imam Ali (a.s) in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq. As for Moses and Aaron's graves, they are in Tieh desert, Prophet Daniel's grave is in the city of Shoosh in Iran's Khozistan province and Prophet Qeidar's grave is in the city of Zanjan.
It is necessary to take a few points into consideration about this question:
1. Basically, there is discrepancy among historians regarding the lives of many personalities and nobles including the divine prophets except a few of them because the historical sources lack any precise information about their lives, places of death and burial locations especially those of divine prophets. Therefore, there is not but very little information about some of the divine prophets' lives and deaths as well as the places where they have been buried. That is because the history of divien prophets is as old as the creation and existence of mankind on this planet. Since man did not know in the beginning how to record the historical incidents or at least no importance was attached to it, it is therefore very natural that the history of many of these events and incidents have remained unknown. Perhaps, if they have been recorded, they may have been perished due to many reasons such as flood, earthquake wars, invasions and deliberate elimination of historical and cultural works of some countries.
2. What has been recorded in history about the divine prophets is that as many as 124000 prophets wre sent to earth with prophetic mission to guide humanity in the right path. Many of those prophets are unknown and no historical sources provide any information on their lives, deaths and burial locations.
3. Meanwhile, what is available sporadically about the lives of the prophets – other than the Prophet of Islam (s) – is that Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) is buried in the city of Al-Khalil in Occupied Palestine. He has a tomb there which is well-known to pilgrims. There are also reports about Prophet Noah and Prophet Adam's graves in the shrine of Imam Ali in the holy city of Najaf in Iraq. It is also said that Prophet Moses and Aaron (a.s) are buried in Tieh[1] desert, Prophet Denial (a.s.) in the city of Shoosh of Khozistan province, Prophet Qaidar in Zanjan province, Haiqooq in Tuisarkan and Dhul-Kifl in the town of Al-Kifl in Iraq. However, more investigation needs to be made to prove the validity of the attribution of these graves to the divine prophets.[2]
4. It is to be noted that what every Muslim should accept in regard to the divine prophets is their prophethood. It is necessary to believe in their prophetic mission and in their teachings. It is not necessary to know where they were born, how they died and where they were buried. Additionally, as per the saying of the Quran, knowing such details is of no avail to us.[3] What is important for us is their doctrines which exist in the teachings of the Prophet of Islam (s) in the best and most expressive manner. Of course, all of us know that it is very good to understand the difficulties, trial and tribulations which they suffered at the hands of the unbelievers, pagans and deniers to make divine teachings reach people. Their lives and Seerah (biographies) are instructive for us.[4]
[1] - The traditionists and exegetes of the Holy Quran are not unanimous about the location of Tieh. Some say that it is the Sinai Desert near Baitul Muqaddas or the city of Jericho. Some others say that it is in between Palestine and Egypt. A few others also say that it is a desert located between Palestine, Ail and Jordan in an area of 18 miles. See commentary books under verses 26 of Chap. Al-Maedah.
[2] - For further information about Abraham, Moses and Aaron, Jesus, Noah, Adam (peace be upon them), see IslamQuest.net, Islampedia.ir and books like Hayat al-Qulub of Allamah Amini; History of Prophet by Sayyid Hashim Rasuli Mahallati and Al-Ghadeer website.
[3] - The Quranic verse about the number of the Companions of the Cave (Ashaab al-Kahf) is a confirmation of our point. The Quran says: "(Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth among them; (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth,- doubtfully guessing at the unknown; (yet others) say they were seven, the dog being the eighth. Say thou: "My Lord knoweth best their number; It is but few that know their (real case)." Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a matter that is clear, nor consult any of them about (the affair of) the Sleepers." Al-Kahf: 22.
[4] - [4] "لَقَدْ کانَ فی قَصَصِهِمْ عِبْرَةٌ لِأُولِی الْأَلْبابِ"[There is, in their stories, instruction for men endued with understanding.] Yusuf: 111