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Last Updated: 2011/12/17
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What is the best way for the couple's understanding of each other?
Owing to my incompetence, imprudence and bad conducts, my spouse is badly upset with me. No matter how much I tell her that I have repented and she also sees the signs of repentance with me, she continues to tell me that I no longer love her nor, in fact, does she love me. At any rate, life is becoming hell for our two children and for both of us. I have been tolerating difficulties for God's sake but I am no longer able to put up with this situation. Things are becoming unbearable. Please help me. They have brainwashed my wife. Every time, we try to become good with each other, then things become bad. Please let me know what to do. She is missing her prayers and is careless about wearing Islamic modest dress. We are picking feud all the time.
Concise answer

The biggest capital in a couple's life is honesty and truthfulness, and, perhaps, the worst and the biggest cause of dispute and difference between husband and wife is dishonesty and lack of trust. It can be deduced from your message that there is no trust between you and your spouse. It is necessary, therefore, that you should work together to destroy the wall of distrust. In order for you to do this, you should try to find the source and origin of this distrust wherefrom you can solve and do away with the problem.

If you trust each other completely, others' spell, talks and words will not have an effect on your relationships and intimacy.

Detailed Answer

The biggest capital in a couple's life is truthfulness and honesty. Where there is honesty in a family, there is no ground for any misunderstanding and misconception. The biggest problem can be ironed out through honesty and honest relationships. However, if, God forbid, a husband and wife want to betray or deceive each other and tell each other lies, then there is no way they can trust each other. Their life will be full of dispute and quarrel. It is understood from what you have mentioned in your message that there is no trust between you and your spouse. For this reason, you are not giving importance to each other's sayings and promises. It is necessary, therefore, that you should work together to destroy the wall of distrust. In order for you to do this, you should try to find the source and origin of this distrust wherefrom you can begin to do away with the problem. Therefore, if you think the root cause of distrust lies in your own conducts, you should not accuse others unnecessarily as it will not cure the problem because you are concealing the real cause of your differences. If you think others are interfering in your affairs, do not scorn yourself. Anyway, you must try to find the root cause of distrust and differences and get the problem solved before it is too late. In short, if you do not create trust and think positively about each other, your problem will not be solved. If you trust each other completely, others' spell, talks and words will not have an effect on your relationships and intimacy.

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