Questions Archive(Thematic Category:اخلاق)
in brief: Is there any hope of protection from the punishment of the Day of Judgment?
4857 2019/06/12 PracticalWhat is concluded by studying all the religious teachings is that the hope for Allah s mercy and the fear of punishment on the Day of Judgment are two complementary qualities which a believer should p
Which has more reward, reciting the Quran from a hard copy of the Quran, or reading it on a computer screen or on a mobile screen?
4634 2017/01/21 ExegesisIf it is proved that in common view reciting from the hard copy of the Quran is regarded as different from reciting it on a digital screen reciting a hard copy earns more reward but it does not seem t
Did the Holy Prophet (S) and the Infallible Imams (AS) combine the Noon and Afternoon prayers?
11221 2015/08/04 PracticalAs evidenced by many traditions and reports in both Shiite and Sunni sources the Holy Prophet of Islam S offered Zuhr and Asr prayers; Maghrib and Isha prayers separately. It is also reported that the
Please let me how to get rid of masturbation?
9870 2015/01/05 PracticalSin is like a foul-smelling swamp full of sewage; the more one sinks into it, the less he senses its smell, because he actually loses his sense of smell and can t tell that he is drowning anymore. At
Can you please introduce some methods in which we can improve and optimize our memory according to the traditions (Ahadith)?
11278 2014/04/20 ModernWe can classify those effective methods of enhancing and optimizing memory and comprehension into some divisions which are as follows: A ) Spiritual methods: 1. Remembering Allah ( by worshiping Him
Since it is superstitious to do the chelle practice in order to conceive a child, which supplications and prayers do you recommend in this regard?
6932 2014/02/12 PracticalBased on our research through hadith collections, we did not find any reference to the chelle practice for pregnancy. As for supplications for pregnancy, there are some points to be noted: 1-This wor
What are the manners of giving and receiving gifts according to the Holy Prophet (S)?
9994 2013/12/19 PracticalAmong the normative conducts of the Messenger of the Holy Prophet ( S ) is giving and receiving gifts. However, based on the narrations reported from him, exchanging gifts should not be coupled with d
What are the etiquettes and traditions of the month of Rmadhan?
6790 2013/11/25 PracticalThe holy month of Ramadhan and fasting in this month have certain etiquettes, manners and conditions some of which are as follows: 1. Sighting the moon: One of the conditions of the month of Ramadhan
What are the ways through which we can get familiar with the Quran?
6624 2013/11/25 PracticalIf a person recites the Quran sincerely and contemplates over its verses and then acts upon them, the attraction of the Quran will increase in his heart and he will end up loving it.
What is the difference between Satan and the carnal soul?
13155 2013/11/11 TheoreticalMan s real identity which is called soul has numerous aspects and layers. Quran mentions its three states ( carnal, self-reproaching and peaceful ) . The carnal soul is formed when animalistic desire
What are the objects on which zakat is either obligatory or recommend? Is zakat payable on currency notes?
10249 2013/10/19 PracticalIt is obligatory to pay Zakat on nine well-known things as mentioned in the Epistles of Islamic Laws. Also, there are certain things from which Zakat is mustahab ( recommended ) to pay, as stated in j
What measures have traditions prescribed for nervous relaxation and mental calmness?
7834 2013/04/18 PracticalIf a person controls his nerves and temper, he does not get irritated and angry. This has been referred to in the verses and traditions as kazm al-ghayz ( lit. swallowing one s anger ) . God, the Exal
If cleanliness and marriage are so important that they constitute half of faith, as the (pbuh) said, what about prayer and fasting?
12430 2012/11/06 Practical1. It has been narrated in the question from the holy Prophet ( pbuh ) that he said: Cleanliness is half of faith . Such a narration does not exist in hadith books or other Islamic sources. 2. What
What good deeds can we do that the dead will receive its reward?
11925 2012/10/20 PracticalBy having patience when calamities befall us and pondering and thinking about the fact that everyone will leave this world someday, one can make the situation of losing a loved one easier to adapt to.
If haram property and corrupt environment leave a negative impact on humans, why did some people attain salvation despite living in such an environment?
11915 2012/09/25 PracticalIslam reprimands those who do not refrain from acquiring and consuming haram property since it leaves negative impacts on human s soul and heart as well as his family. Many sins are deeply rooted in m
Does God, the Exalted, forgive an adulterer?
6958 2012/09/25 PracticalDear User, God, the Compassionate and the Merciful, has promised to forgive all the sins of the penitent, even the sin of associating with Him a partner. [ 1 ] It is necessary to note that repent
What is our duty towards street beggars?
22097 2012/09/03 PracticalIt is good to help every beggar even if he is not poor but it is necessary to focus our attention on priorities keeping in view the fact that our financial resources are limited. In the present time i
Why is there less corruption in countries where there is no hijab as compared to the Islamic countries?
7944 2012/08/23 PracticalYour question can be studied from two perspectives: First, the existence of corruption in Islamic countries and then coming to the point that corruption in Islamic countries emanates from not implemen
Is it a sin to curse someone in one’s mind?
26843 2012/08/06 TheoreticalSins are sometimes committed outwardly and other times they may have and inner and intellectual aspects. When a person tells a lie or backbites someone or commits such prohibitions, he is said to have
Are there any guidelines in the Islamic sources about fashion and clothing?
9262 2012/07/15 PracticalAlthough Islam lays great emphasis on spiritual modesty of human beings ( clothing of piety ) , the outward clothing is also a bounty which God, the Exalted, has bestowed exclusively upon human beings
What is the proper method of making one’s actions match his knowledge?
7484 2012/06/21 PracticalAccording to fundamental Islamic teachings, knowledge is only beneficial when followed by good deeds and actions. However, we see that some scholars come short in regard to acting upon their knowledge
Do you get any sawab (reward) when you listen to a speech on Friday?
8967 2012/06/11 PracticalIt is necessary for every Muslim to get acquainted with his religious obligations and know about his duty. [ 1 ] Therefore, a person will get sawab by listening to a speech that enables him to become
What are the effects of contentment on our lives and how do we distinguish it from stinginess?
43842 2012/05/14 PracticalContentment has been defined as a resting of the mind without craving something else. The word qana ah which is the Arabic equivalent for contentment has been used to refer to satisfaction and happine
What is the Quran’s perspective on waste and extravagance?
60258 2012/05/09 ExegesisThe religion of Islam is the religion of life and its precepts and rules set the grounds for human felicity and success, both for the individual, as well as the society. Islam has brought forth a comp
If a non-Muslim gives us salaams saying “Assalaamu Alaykum”, how should we respond?
8828 2012/04/17 TheoreticalOne of the issues that has been emphasized in our religious teachings is greeting other believers with salams. There are exceptions to this teaching though, greeting non-Muslims being one of them. In
Do any supplications exist for seeking forgiveness from people whose right we may have trampled?
6946 2012/04/14 PracticalThe rights of the people are divided into two categories. The first of those relate to the rights that God has over the people; if one goes against such rights, then the path of rectifying this wrong
Is it bad to be alone in a room with a non mahram girl?
9747 2012/03/10 PracticalIn religious teachings, one of the things man has been advised against in order to protect him from sin, is to be alone with a non-mahram. In his advice to Prophet Musa ( AS ) , Satan says: O Musa,
What should I do so that I do not sin when I am with my friends? And I don’t become mad and lose my temper while with them?
7539 2012/03/08 PracticalIn order to remain calm when among your friends, family and relatives, you should keep count of your acts on a daily basis, try to have a good temper, stay away from bad friends, take your social posi
Why do the religious obligations such as prayer, fasting, hajj etc. not have visible effects?
8045 2012/02/18 PracticalAll acts of worship including prayer, fasting and hajj have a lot of individual and social benefits and effects. One of the blessed effects of prayer is proximity to God and keeping us away from evil
Is it permissible to marry a married man without the consent of his spouse that might commit suicide or divorce if he doesn’t marry me?
7763 2012/02/15 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
How can I counter spells?
9543 2012/02/15 TheoreticalEven though spells aren’t superstitious and may have substantial effects, not every person has the power to cast spells. Moreover, most individuals who claim to have the knowledge of casting spells ar
Should we maintain relations with relatives who act badly towards us in turn? If so, in what way should we do this?
7992 2012/02/15 PracticalThe concept of ‘Silah al-Rahem’ means to maintain a relationship based on goodness and love with ones near relatives. It is religiously obligatory upon everyone and many positive effects have been lis
What does Islam recommend for a man to be cleaned and well-dressed?
10409 2012/02/14 TheoreticalObserving cleanliness is necessary everywhere and for all men and women. One should always keep his body and clothes clean and tidy. He should wash his hands and face every morning brush his teeth an
Where is it permissible to tell a lie?
21562 2012/01/30 PracticalIslam lays great emphasis on telling the truth and being truthful and it considers lying to be a wicked act. In many cases, lying has been described as being more evil than drinking wine. In spite of
Can you introduce some books on daily mustahabb and makruh acts?
7306 2012/01/17 TheoreticalWe pray for your tawfiq, the books listed below are ones that contain mustahabb daily acts:1- Miftāḥ al-Falāḥ, by Sheikh Baha’i.2- Falāḥ al-Sā’il, by Seyed b. Tawus.3- al-Murāqabāt, by Mirza Jawad Agh