Questions Archive(Thematic Category:قرآن)
Exactly how much time has passed from the immediate and gradual revelation of the Holy Quran?
14036 2010/05/20 Quranic StudiesThe immediate revelation of the Holy Quran upon the blessed heart of the Holy Prophet ( s ) happened on the Night of Qadr ( one of the nights of the Holy Month of Ramadhan ) . By referring to some of
What is the difference between an interpretation based on opinion and an interpretation which is based on intellectual thinking (specifically an authentic singular report).
7863 2010/05/20 ExegesisThe relationship between certain sciences and the Holy Quran is in such a way that without those sciences it is not possible to interpret and analyze the verses of the Holy Quran. For example the scie
Can the Night of Destiny (Leilatul-Qadr) be more than one night? Can we consider the Day of Destiny as a part of the Night of Destiny?
14807 2010/04/08 ExegesisThe Night of Destiny ( Leilatul-Qadr ) is an important and blessed night which is, according to the Holy Quran located in the month of Ramadan.About this question there are several probabilities:1-
Knowing that the Quran is a clear book, what are the conditions/prerequisites of comprehending it?
11621 2010/04/08 ExegesisThe Quran is the Prophet s miracle for all times and can not be compared to common books. Although the Quran is clear, explains matters and has conveyed the meanings through simple words as delicately
What is meant by Sidratul-Muntaha that the Quran has mentioned?
108197 2010/04/07 ExegesisThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the definition of "Muslim" according to the Quran?
90540 2010/04/06 ExegesisAccording to the Quran a Muslim is one who has absolutely surrendered to Allah and his commands and believes in pure Tawhid ( the oneness of God ) that isn t tainted with any Shirk and this is why the
Is it mentioned in the Quran that white people are better than yellow, red, brown and black colored races?
37159 2010/02/09 ExegesisThe verse mentioned above does not say that white people are better than other races, actually it has nothing to do with the abovementioned issue, the words used in the verse may seem to relate to rac
1-How is it possible for fruit and food to come to Lady Maryam from heaven? 2- Is it possible for residents of heaven to return to this world?
15990 2010/02/09 ExegesisConsidering the clues and evidence in Quranic verses and hadiths, Lady Marayam’s food would come straight from Allah ( swt ) and heaven without the mediation of any material thing or person from this
What is Imam Ali’s perspective in respect to the Quran?
8808 2010/01/21 ExegesisIn the eyes of Imam Ali ( as ) , the Quran holds a tremendous position. Some of the qualities he has attributed to this divine book have been collected in Nahjul Balaghah. A brief list of the qualitie
Why is the Quran divided into verses? Are there chapters of the Quran that have been revealed in whole and at one time to the Prophet (pbuh)?
15856 2010/01/21 ExegesisThe Quran has been revealed in two ways. The first was in the form of the revelation of entire chapters all at once ( daf’i/دفعی ) , and the other was gradual revelations of verses. Several reasons ha
Why is a salawat without the end part of “آل محمد” considered an incomplete one?
12662 2009/12/28 ExegesisNot only isn t adding the household of the prophet ( pbuh ) to the end of the salawat bid’ah, but it is in total accordance with what the Quran, hadiths, the mind and irfan tell us, the reason being:1
Is man Khalifatullah or Khalifatul-Rabb?
12818 2009/12/28 ExegesisSince in verse 31 of surah Baqarah, the Quran tells us that the reason why man was chosen to be Allah’s ( swt ) vicegerent was his knowledge of ‘the divine names’ and goes on to say: “علم ادم الاسما ک
Which animals and insects have been named in the Quran?
60708 2009/12/16 ExegesisApproximately 35 animals have been named in the Quran; the birds and insects of which are:Salwa ( سلوی ) =The quail ( Baqarah:57 ) , Ba’uth ( بعوض ) =Mosquito ( Baqarah:26 ) , Dhubab ( ذباب ) =Fly ( H
How do Quranic commentators interpret and explain the word "و اضربوهن" (and hit them)?
11475 2009/11/25 ExegesisIn Islamic teachings women are considered to have a very high status and have been praised in hadiths by the Holy Prophet and his household. In some hadiths women have been considered a source of ble
Which surah is Surah Bani Israel?
16522 2009/11/25 Quranic StudiesThe seventeenth surah of the Quran, is Surah Bani Israel which contains 111 verses. This surah is also known as surah ‘Isra’ and ‘Subhan’. The reason for naming this surah ‘Bani Israel’ is because in
Please explain the concept of Hurul ‘In and if they relate to women as well.
22579 2009/11/24 ExegesisOne of the blessings that Allah ( swt ) grants to people who do good deeds and have faith in Him is paradise and the bliss and blessings therein. For entering into heaven there isn’t any difference be
What do the separate letters (Huruf Muqatta’ah) in the Quran mean?
24466 2009/10/22 Quranic StudiesThe ‘Huruf Muqatta’ah’ are the separate letters located in the beginning of some surahs of the Quran that have no independent meaning. There are different viewpoints regarding these letters; the best
Is the term "Bridge of Sirat" mentioned in the Quran?
30965 2009/10/22 Quranic StudiesAlthough the term the Bridge of Sirat hasn’t been used in the Quran, it has been mentioned in hadiths and traditions. For example Imam Sadiq ( as ) has mentioned this term while explaining the word mi
Which verses of the Quran are the verses of “Sukhrah”?
14105 2009/10/22 ExegesisThe term Verses of Sukhrah or Verses of Taskhir refer to verses 54 to 56 of surah A’raf, which hadiths have spoken about the benefits of their recitation.
What are the “Arsh” and “Kursiyy”?
17573 2009/08/15 ExegesisWith help from other Quranic verses and traditions of the imams, commentators of the Quran have presented several possible meanings for these terms. Some say the two are metaphorically referring to th
What is the scientific reasoning behind the splitting of the moon?
18970 2009/06/22 ExegesisConsidering the research and discoveries of space scientists, the answer to your question isn t very hard, because discoveries today tell us that not only isn t such a phenomenon possible, but it also
Were ancient cavemen also descendants of Prophet Adam (pbuh)?
31915 2009/06/22 ExegesisAdopting caves as homes by the descendants of Prophet Adam ( pbuh ) is something the Quran confirms. Yet, since there is substantial evidence that there have also been people before him and we are sur
How do people undergo metamorphosis, and are animals today people who have gone through metamorphosis in the past?
14439 2009/06/22 ExegesisIn Arabic, Maskh means for something to change form to an uglier one. In the Quran and Islamic tradition, this term refers to a specific divine punishment which was sent upon the wrongdoers and wrongd
Are there any Sunni sources that have spoken of the alteration of the Quran?
11096 2009/04/20 Quranic StudiesMany hadiths can be found in Sunni references [ some of those references being the Sihah Sittah, which are the most authentic books of the Sunni school of thought ] that say some verses of the Quran h
If the Quran is to be protected, then why do some Quranic interpreters believe in its alteration?
6599 2009/04/06 ExegesisContinue...
Has the Quran mentioned anything about Khidhr?
12455 2008/09/03 Quranic StudiesThe Quran hasn’t clearly mentioned the name of Khidhr, yet he has been referred to as “One of Our servants whom We had granted a grace from Ourselves, and taught him a knowledge from Our own” [ i ] (
What are the characteristics of a true qari (one who recites the Quran) according to Imam Sadiq (as)?
17217 2008/08/18 Quranic StudiesImam Sadiq ( as ) has stated some traits and characteristics for those who want to be qaris ( experts in the field of recitation ) of the Holy Quran. Some of these characteristics are as follows: Acce
Please count four of the Prophet’s miracles that have been mentioned in the Quran.
12000 2008/07/22 ExegesisAn act that prophets do to prove their prophethood that normal individuals aren’t capable of doing is called a “miracle”.The Holy Quran is the greatest miracle of Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh ) . In the Qu
How can the Quran, whose verses contradict one another, be a book of guidance for all of mankind in all ages and throughout time?
13228 2008/07/13 Quranic StudiesAs the Quran itself attests, it is a universal book “a reminder to all worlds” for all people in all times and places “a warner to all mankind”.Its verses, which have been revealed by Allah, are and w
Does Islam consider prostrating in respect permissible?
13864 2008/07/02 ExegesisAccording to Islam and the Shia school of thought, prostration is the most complete and beautiful form of worship which solely belongs to Allah ( swt ) and no other has the right to be prostrated to.A
What is the meaning of “the seven heavens” that have been mentioned in the Quran?
15702 2008/06/17 ExegesisConsidering the questions that science still has regarding space and the galaxies, one cannot reach a definite conclusion on what is exactly meant by “the seven heavens”. Nevertheless, some viewpoint
In the Quran’s viewpoint, is man an ignorant and unjust creature or is he khalifatullah (God’s vicegerent)?
9906 2008/06/17 Exegesis1. The Holy Quran praises man ( mankind ) in many ways, while, on the other hand, scolding and reproaching him in various verses.2. Because of man s high potentials, he is able to reach and ascend to
Is the following hadith correct: This verse was added to Surah Inshirah: “And we made Ali (a.s.) your son-in-law.”?
10200 2008/05/14 ExegesisNo hadith with such meaning was found, although there are some hadiths about the last two verses of Surah Inshirah, فاذا فرغت فانصب والی ربک فارغب that have been mentioned in hadithic-tafsir books ( b
Why hasn’t Imam Ali (a.s.) been mentioned in the Holy Quran?
89032 2008/05/11 ExegesisOne should be aware that although the imam’s names, ) especially Imam Ali’s ( , haven’t been mentioned in the Quran, nevertheless, their names, ) especially Imam Ali’s ( , can be found in the Prophet’
What is Islam’s view on dinosaurs?
27878 2007/02/26 ExegesisThe Quran is a book of guidance and everything which supports this goal [ of guidance ] has been mentioned in this Holy Book. The method used in expressing matters is: focusing on the gene