Questions Archive(Thematic Category:فلسفه)
Why did God order the construction of the Ka'bah?
8030 2011/07/20 Philosophy of Religion and LawBased on Quranic verses, traditions and historical documents, Ka bah and Mecca are symbols of divine blessings, human guidance and a place of congregation for servitude to God who bestowed profuse ble
Are the sciences of Alchemy, Limiya, Himiya, and Simiya accepted in the religion?
20389 2011/04/20 Philosophy of Science· Kimiya: A science by which one can transform certain metals and minerals into other things.· Limiya: A science by which the soul can be transferred into another body.· Simiya
Is Taqlid not in clear contradiction with the Quranic verse "There is no compulsion in the Religion"? Why does Ali (a.s) denounce differences in the fatwas?
8212 2011/04/20 Philosophy of Religion and LawMost people are individuals who do not have the ability to learn and engage in research and scientific work to reach a level where they may infer and deduce Islamic laws from the sources ( the Quran a
If a Muslim individual converts to Christianity after conducting comprehensive research, will he be considered an apostate and sentenced to death?
9966 2011/01/16 Philosophy of Religion and LawAlthough the religion of Islam calls upon all mankind to accept divine unity, it does not coerce them into accepting it because faith and belief cannot be based on force and compulsion. Indeed, this d
Why is it permissible in Islam to marry female captives?
7789 2011/01/02 Philosophy of Religion and LawGiven that we have already dealt with the political and social aspects of slaveholding in our previous answers, here we will study two more issues concerning the subject matter: 1. The reason and phil
Does Islam allow marriage with female captives and the practice of coitus interruptus (withdrawal) with them?
20240 2010/09/12 Philosophy of Religion and LawUndeniably, marriages between kafir ( disbelieving ) women that were captured in wars and their captors were based on realities that existed in society during the time of the Holy Prophet ( pbuh ) . T
Describe the proof of the existence of God and the manner of how he came into being.
9752 2010/08/14 PhilosophyGod Almighty, is a being which is absolute existence and complete perfection devoid of all deficiencies and imperfections. The concept of God is one which is very simple and clear. Everyone, including
How is the instability of some rulings in Islam not in conflict with the permanence of Islamic law?
7590 2010/07/22 Philosophy of Religion and LawHoly religions are comprised of two parts, the rules that have an eternal nature and those that change. The rules that are permanent relate to the stable aspects of humans life.But these religions hav
Is infallibility based on predestination or free will?
8990 2010/05/26 Philosophy of ReligionThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Who are the Akhbaris and the Osolis?
10324 2010/04/19 Philosophy of HistoryThe Akhbaris are the adherents of the ahadith whom the Shia call Akhbaris. They do not believe in Ijtihad and only follow the ahadith. On the other side there is a great group of Muslim scholars known
Why can married men contract temporary marriages without the consent of their spouses?
9625 2010/03/13 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe sexual instinct is one of the most powerful instincts that resides in human beings, and much like other basic needs, it must be fulfilled in the correct method and manner. These basic instincts ca
What is Islam's viewpoint regarding reincarnation?
14521 2010/01/21 TraditionalA few centuries back in India a theory known as reincarnation was developed concerning the consecutive return of souls to this world after death. During the ages this theory was gradually taken into s
What is the relationship between the soul and body?
21353 2009/12/28 Islamic PhilosophyRegarding the link and relationship between the soul and body, one must say that the body is one of the several degrees of the soul and spirit, resulting in the body being located in the soul and spir
Aren't the differences of fatwa amongst the maraje' an instance of those differences forbidden in sermon 18 of the Nahjul Balaghah?
8117 2009/11/25 Philosophy of Religion and LawSome researchers believe that sermon 18 of Nahjul-Blaqah used to be part of sermon 17 and was separated by Seyyid Radhiyy and became an independent one. The contents of the sermon also signify this cl
Why is capital punishment used upon someone who becomes an apostate (murtad), and how is this sentence in accordance with the essence of religious teachings?
12270 2009/11/24 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe reason behind this ruling is that the announcement of apostasy was not a result of matters within the bounds of personal freedom or logical conclusions. Rather, apostasy was often utilized as a si
What does it mean when it is said that our worship is for our own selves? How is this matter not in conflict with our worship being for Allah (swt)?
9305 2009/09/23 Islamic PhilosophySince Allah ( swt ) is the All-Wise and doesn’t ever order anyone to do anything that is useless, all of our worship that He himself has commanded us to perform bears benefits for us, and since He is
Why do we have to perform prayers in Arabic?
9450 2009/09/23 Islamic PhilosophyThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the status of the woman in Islam? Are they the same as men?
8444 2009/08/15 Philosophy of Religion and LawAccording to Islam, the man and woman have to be in pursuit of a common objective, which is to reach the pinnacle of humanity, and both must bear the means of accomplishing such an objective without a
Can a Sunni girl get married to a Shia man and why? Please list the reasons.
103567 2009/04/20 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe popular viewpoint amongst Shia scholars and jurisprudents is that a Shia man can get married to a Sunni woman, but there is a difference of opinion regarding the marriage of a Sunni man with a Shi
Why do dhuhr and asr prayers have to be recited silently, while the same doesn’t go with other prayers?
24849 2009/03/09 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe main reason why we pray these two prayers in a low voice is that it is the tradition of the prophet ( pbuh ) and that he used to pray this way and has ordered us to pray exactly like him. Of cours
What is religion?
11393 2008/10/12 Philosophy of ReligionMany different viewpoints and details have been presented regarding the explanation of religion by Westerners. In the holy Quran, the word “din” ( religion ) has been used for two meanings: 1- Any typ
What are the different stages and levels of religion?
8546 2008/10/12 Philosophy of ReligionThe main stages of religion are as follows:1- The “nafsul-amr” religion: What exists in the knowledge of Allah ( swt ) regarding the guidance of man to his eternal prosperity and salvation, is the “na
Do we have more than one “nafsul-amr” religion?
7429 2008/10/12 Philosophy of ReligionBoth what our minds and intellects and what the Quran and hadiths say are good proof that all humans are common in the “gem of humanity” that they possess ( meaning that they have the potential of rea
Do different situations have any effect on the nafsul-amr religion?
7334 2008/10/12 Philosophy of ReligionThe nafsul-amr religion has only one way of life for all individuals in every place and time and contains no changing elements.
Can you explain how one can reach the “nafsul-amr” religion?
7707 2008/10/12 Philosophy of ReligionThere are three ways for reaching the nafsul-amr religion:1- Revelation2- Narration3- IntellectNormal people can only reach true religion using the second and third method, while special people can al
What are the traits of the “mursal” religion?
8366 2008/10/12 Philosophy of Religion1- The number of “mursal” religions is always in correspondence with the number of messengers sent by Allah ( swt ) .2- The mursal religion is a result of man’s need towards the message of Allah ( swt
Why is polygamy permissible for men in Islam, yet impermissible for women?
11675 2008/09/18 Philosophy of Religion and LawBefore Islam, polygamy was considered normal and lacked any rules or limitations. As one of man’s essential needs, Islam has limited it, giving it specific conditions and terms. Islamic laws are all b
Why do we have to follow only one marja’ and how is this matter proven through hadiths?
15399 2008/07/29 Philosophy of Religion and LawIf you are sure that each of several marja’s are experts and more learned than others in a specific field, or at least equal in knowledge and understanding, then it is okay to follow more than one mar
How can one create harmony between religion and science?
8426 2008/07/02 Philosophy of ReligionThose who consider religion and science as two separate ways aren’t truly familiar with divine religions particularly Islam and haven’t paid attention to the fact that the two are of completely differ
What does Ahl al-Bayt mean?
11777 2007/06/21 ModernAhl al-Bayt is a Quranic, Hadith, and theological term meaning the family of the Noble Prophet of Islam ( s ) . This term, with this meaning has been used in the Quran in the verse of purity ( 33:33 )
Why does the verdict of a marja become invalid after his death?
7892 2007/04/08 Philosophy of Religion and LawIt must be known that ijtihad has different elements: some are firm ( ex. Quran, prophetic traditions, intellect… ) and others are changeable ( ex. Subjects and their conditions, knowledge and the und
Why was Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) allowed to have more than four wives?
18272 2007/04/05 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe topic of the prophet of Islam’s ( P.B.U.H. ) marriages and number of spouses is a subject which has been questioned very much. In reference to this issue, we should mention first of all that befor
Why is it not permissible to do taqlid to a deceased Mujtahid?
8268 2006/11/26 Philosophy of Religion and LawScholars of jurisprudence which say that it is not permissible to do taqlid to a deceased Mujtahid, have a basis for this reasoning and in order to understand it we must refer to legal man
What is the meaning of the government of Islamic Republic?
6903 2006/07/15 PhilosophyThe word government means order and command.In the present terminology, it consists of the aggregate of the organized members and the ruling group that control the affairs of society.It consists of th