Questions Archive(Thematic Category:مفاهیم قرآنی)
What is the story of Salih’s she-camel in the Quran and the controversy that exists surrounding its death?
18560 2012/09/13 ExegesisOne of the methods used by the Quran through its verses is the use of ijmal and tafsil ( brevity and detail ) . There are three verses among the verses concerning the event of the death of Salih s she
Based on verses 146 -148 of chapter 26, Samood tribe lived in a land with many water springs but verse 28 of chapter 54 states that there was only one spring in their land. Which one of these is true in your opinion?
14311 2012/09/08 ExegesisA closer look at the details in Quranic verses and traditions on the story of water sharing between Samood tribe and Salih s camel indicates that even after the emergence of the camel out of the mount
What were Islam's propagation methods?
18434 2012/08/21 The infalliblesPropagation means conveying a message and since the mission of all divine prophets particularly the holy prophet of Islam ( S ) was to bring humanity forth from darkness into light, propagation enjoys
How can girls wear bright (gaudy) dresses on the one hand and go out in public without displaying their beauty on the other?
8471 2012/08/11 ModernAccording to the Quran, man is a creature that has a divine fitra [ God-gifted nature ] on the one hand and a material nature on the other. Not differentiating between them will cause a person to be d
Is it a sin to curse someone in one’s mind?
27114 2012/08/06 TheoreticalSins are sometimes committed outwardly and other times they may have and inner and intellectual aspects. When a person tells a lie or backbites someone or commits such prohibitions, he is said to have
Why does God, Who is the most Merciful of the merciful ones, recommend so extreme punishments such as retaliation, cutting of hands or other excessive violence?
8398 2012/08/04 ExegesisAccording to the verses and narrations, God is Compassionate and Merciful and He also has the qualities of anger and indignation. That is, He is both All-Forgiving and severe in punishment, He is the
What are the challenges facing Islam – Christianity dialogue?
9101 2012/07/21 ModernFor an answer to the above question, we deemed it appropriate to draw your attention to a lecture delivered by Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani in this regard. There is a clear tendency towards religiosity
Aren’t we free in choosing our religion? Then why did the Prophet demand the people of Yemen to either become Muslim or pay Jizyah?
8682 2012/07/21 TraditionalJizyah gives non-Muslims the freedom of choosing whether they want to be Muslim or simply be a non-Muslim citizen of an Islamic government without having to convert their religion and it is natural to
Why do some Shiite mystics and scholars renounce the world and divinely gifted halāl pleasures and bounties?
7197 2012/06/28 PracticalThe divine bounties and pleasures are not restricted to worldly and material things; rather they also include spiritualities which for many people entail greater pleasures. The mystics and pious ones
Is divine knowledge merely proven by the teleological argument?
7229 2012/06/21 TraditionalThere are many ways to prove divine knowledge: 1. The teleological argument, 2. The argument that one cannot grant what one does possess, 3. The infiniteness of God and His encompassment of the entire
What is the proper method of making one’s actions match his knowledge?
7633 2012/06/21 PracticalAccording to fundamental Islamic teachings, knowledge is only beneficial when followed by good deeds and actions. However, we see that some scholars come short in regard to acting upon their knowledge
How many spheres are there in the entire universe and what is the difference between a sphere and a sky?
13785 2012/06/17 TheoreticalAccording to an ancient opinion, sphere refers to the ethereal bodies which are made up of nine levels or layers seven of which are named as kawakib sab a ( the seven planets ) . The eighth sphere is
Why did the Holy Prophet (S) enjoy more freedom in gratifying his physical needs than others? And why were many restrictions imposed on his wives?
9658 2012/06/05 ExegesisThis question refers to the differences which exist between the Holy Prophet ( S ) and other people. In fact, it does not concern the general differences between men and women in the way they have sex
How can we differentiate between a divine test and a divine punishment?
14169 2012/05/26 TraditionalSome of the calamities and hardship we endure in our lives are definitely a part of divine trial and tribulations that are aimed to make us choose our path and adopt our strategy and position against
Is Lordship confined to God Almighty?
9013 2012/05/21 Theoreticalربوبیت ( Lordship ) is derived from the word رب ( lord ) and is used in the Arabic language for the words owner, possessor and trainer. Given the fact that God is the owner of all existence, the manag