Questions Archive(Thematic Category:مفاهیم قرآنی)
Given the fact that the religion of Islam is the only right religion, why does the Quran speak of the possibility of the followers of other religions being saved from the Fire?
7256 2015/06/09 ExegesisIt has been stated clearly in Islamic doctrines and in the most sacred book of Islam i.e. the Qur an that those non-Muslims who stay on their pure God-gifted nature and do good deeds while Islam is no
Given that we insist that happiness is achieved only through Shi\'ism, isn\'t it unjust and unbecoming of divine justice to punish those who have no knowledge of any divine religions nor any understanding of Shi\'ism?
6632 2015/06/09 جبر یا اختیار و عدالت پروردگارSurely Allah does not do injustice to anyone. As for those who are not familiar with divine and celestial teachings given our emphasis on the Shiite school the way to attaining prosperity is not shut
What is the meaning of ownership and kingdom of Allah, the Lord of the Universe? Why is said that God is the king?
12720 2015/06/08 پروردگار. نامها و ویژگی هاOne of the attributes of Allah is Mālik which literally means being powerful and having something in one s exclusive possession . This word has sometimes been translated into king in other languages i
I have a question concerning a hadith which normally lecturers and orators bring up during religious occasions. It is said that the Holy Prophet of Islam beseeched Allah to reduce the number of the rak\'ats of prayers to 17 as per Prophet Moses\' advice, otherwise it was 50 or 40 or 25. Is such a tradition true and reliable?
6979 2015/05/03 Contextual studyThe details and sequence which you have reported and mentioned in your message are not correct and we have cited the original tradition from Sheikh Saduq s book. This tradition has not been reported i
Is questioning pervasive and all-encompassing? What does questioning of prophets mean?
5701 2015/05/03 ExegesisAn important issue discussed in religious texts in connection with the Day of Resurrection is the subject of questioning on this very day. What is actually inferred from Quranic verses and prophetic t
Was anyone appointed as prophet by Allah from European and Indian peoples (not Semites)?
12742 2015/04/18 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانیMan is a duty-bound creature and duty would necessitate prophets to be appointed and sent to deliver obligations, messages and injunctions to him, otherwise duty would be unwise or meaningless. The Ho
What is the meaning of self-consciousness according to the Holy Quran?
16958 2015/04/18 ExegesisAccording to the Quran, self-consciousness means realization of one s own self through nourishing or nurturing and reviving one s own inner and inborn talents and potentialities followed by a profound
What are the secrets and ways to success in life?
13931 2015/04/18 سعادت و شقاوتMost writers and scholars have endeavored to present an inclusive definition of success. Success, according to Islamic doctrines, means happiness and prosperity. Practically, absolute happiness and pr
How does staying at Arafat lead t self-knowledge?
6368 2015/04/14 Philosophy of Religion and LawArafat is the name of a land near Mecca which is obligatory for Hajjis ( pilgrims ) to stay there on the 9th day of the month of Zilhajja during the Hajj pilgrimage. The word Arafat is derived from Ar
How did Adam\'s offspring grow? Whom did Adam\'s (A.S) children marry?
29334 2015/01/05 HadithAccording to the traditions and some interpreters viewpoints, the current generation of mankind is not from Abel or Cain, it s from Adam s ( A.S ) other son, Seth. However, when it comes to the marria
What was the first fruit eaten by Adam on earth?
26765 2014/09/23 HadithThe story of Adam and Eve residing in Paradise and their expulsion from there occurs in the Holy Quran. For information about this topic, read the following answers on our website: The Sin of Adam a
What is the meaning of "Shaf'a Prayer" and what is its relationship with intercession?
9319 2014/09/09 ExegesisThe word shaf literally means adding something to something else. It also means even as opposed to odd. The Quranic verse says wash-shaf a wal-watr in which shaf means even while watr means one . [ 1
Can Satan and angels know our thoughts or only Allah knows them?
16820 2014/06/23 فرشتگانKnowledge of the unseen is prerogative of God. None other than God has knowledge of the unseen independently of God. However, every existent that has been allowed by God to have knowledge of the unsee
What is the philosophy of Ghusl (ceremonial washing)?
8768 2014/06/22 Philosophy of Religion and LawThe reason which is behind the Jinabat Ghusl is to clean and purify our soul from its pollution and purify our body from the impurity. This means, if we want to remove the Jinabat from our body we hav
By which reason we must recite "اعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم" before "بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم"?
14169 2014/04/20 Quranic StudiesSince بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم is the part ( verse ) of the Holy Quran, saying اعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم before it, is one of the rules in regards to recite the Holy Quran that is mentioned in the Ho
Why did God choose to keep Himself, hell and heaven and angels hidden from human eye?
8126 2014/02/16 اسلام و ایمانThe angels, heaven, Hell and the reality of sin and reward remaining hidden from human eyes are meant to prepare ground for test and tribulation of human beings because if the curtains or the barriers
What are the manners of giving and receiving gifts according to the Holy Prophet (S)?
10063 2013/12/19 PracticalAmong the normative conducts of the Messenger of the Holy Prophet ( S ) is giving and receiving gifts. However, based on the narrations reported from him, exchanging gifts should not be coupled with d
What is the meaning of verse 61 and 62 in Surah Al Waqiyah
12774 2013/12/16 ExegesisThe verses 61 to 62 of Surah al-Waqe ah make reference to the reason behind death and how it is ordained for man. In these verses, God says: Death is a truth ordained by Him, it is not an essential pa
Why is Shaitan an enemy of mankind? Has man done anything wrong to man?
9884 2013/12/05 TraditionalThere are many verses in the Holy Quran that make clear reference to enmity between man and Shaitan ( the devil ) . [ 1 ] It is for the same hostile relations that human beings have been alarmed and w
Who became prophets in their childhood?
8745 2013/12/05 HistoryFollowing a research in the verses of the Holy Quran and sayings of the Infallibles ( A.S ) about the prophetic mission of the prophets, we came t the conclusion that only two prophets were appointed
What is the Islamic point of view about exaggeration and overstatement?
8407 2013/12/05 دروغLying is considered to be one of the greater sins as it is among the indecent acts. [ 1 ] In the sayings of the Ahlul-Bayt ( AS ) , lying has been termed as the key to sins and evils. [ 2 ] Neverthele
What are the etiquettes and traditions of the month of Rmadhan?
6876 2013/11/25 PracticalThe holy month of Ramadhan and fasting in this month have certain etiquettes, manners and conditions some of which are as follows: 1. Sighting the moon: One of the conditions of the month of Ramadhan
Is bringing souvenirs or gifts on returning from a pilgrimage journey considered to be part of religious recommendations?
7836 2013/10/20 گوناگونAmong the good practices recommended and emphasized upon in Islam is to give gifts to others. It is to be noted that the concept of gift has a much broader meanings in Islam as it includes both the ma
What does it mean to say that divine attributes are the same as the essence?
9449 2013/02/16 TraditionalOne of the important theological, mystical, exegetical and philosophical discussions revolves around unity of attribute and the essence or name and the named. Since the point of dispute is not complet
Given the fact that God is not recognizable by the mind, how is it possible to have knowledge of Him in a way which is not concomitant with polytheism?
7148 2013/02/02 TraditionalIn regards to proper knowledge of God, we must say that, based on authentic traditions, the criterion is to avoid likening God to anything and divesting God of His attributes. For further explanation
What should a person do if he wishes to be firm and steadfast in his beliefs?
6922 2013/01/20 Philosophy of GnosisTo understand religion and acquire spiritual perfection, the period of youth is a golden and blessed opportunity. Our religious beliefs are not only about knowing and learning; in fact they have also
Who are the people of Gog and Magog? Where did they end up? What were the actions taken by Dhul-Qarnayn against them?
18534 2012/12/16 ExegesisIt is inferred from the Quranic verses, the information provided by Torah and historical evidence that these people lived in north Asia. They were known for their atrocious and barbaric attacks creati
Why is none of all the Islamic countries in a desired and enviable state? Why are human values not implemented in them?
7653 2012/11/20 ModernIslam dignifies man to a great extent. He is God s vicegerent on earth and, for this reason, Islam respects man in such a way that is not seen in any part of the world because respecting humans does n
Do the discrepancies among religions have something to do with people’s personal and environmental capacity?
7914 2012/11/01 ModernConsidering the terminologies used in this question, the accepted Islamic viewpoint is the evolutionist approach. Islam is a religion which addresses man s God-gifted nature and encompasses all nation
Is it possible to get perfection through any religions other than Islam? What about attaining tawhid (belief in one God)?
10080 2012/11/01 ModernAlthough some facts can be seen with the existing religions in the world the perfect form of truth which is belief in divine unity or one God exists in Islam. The most important reason is that other r
Why do we repeat “Subhan’allah” in prayers and emphasize on doing “hamd” along with it?
11280 2012/10/21 TraditionalTasbhih or saying Subhan allah in the time of prayer testifies one s removing any anthropomorphic elements or associations with God. It is a way of considering God, the Glorified, devoid and free of a
What good deeds can we do that the dead will receive its reward?
12000 2012/10/20 PracticalBy having patience when calamities befall us and pondering and thinking about the fact that everyone will leave this world someday, one can make the situation of losing a loved one easier to adapt to.
How do we interpret the attributes just, most compassionate and one for God?
6998 2012/10/20 TraditionalJustice means to place everything in its appropriate place. This said, divine justice can have two types. First: takwini justice which means that every existing being including the skies and earth are
How do plants and inanimate objects glorify God, the Exalted?
20413 2012/10/15 TraditionalMan s knowledge about creatures of the world is truly restricted and unmentionable. How Dif y restricted and unmentionable. nanimate objects testiory? different creatures glorify God is still unknow
Was the verse 100 of chapter 9 (i.e. And as for the foremost, the first of the Muhajirs and the Ansars) revealed about Imam Ali? If so, why are the words and structure of the verse in plural?
8881 2012/09/22 Quranic StudiesThe question whether or not verse 100 of chapter 9 ( al-Tawbah ) has been revealed about Imam Ali ( as ) does not have any effect on his being the first Muslim because there is an all out consensus th