Questions Archive(Thematic Category:احکام و شرایط ازدواج)
Does Islam forbid us from getting married to people of black skin?!
6917 2021/03/31 Contextual study
If father relegates the custody of children to the mother in a court, is it necessary for a virgin to obtain her father\'s permission?
5127 2015/01/05 Laws and JurisprudenceOffice of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei ( may Allah grant him long life ) : As a measure of obligatory precaution, father s permission is necessary in a marriage with a virgin girl. Without his permission
Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with?
7047 2014/09/18 TraditionalThere would be no problem for a man to get married to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with if she had no husband or got divorced but passed her Iddah ( waiting period ) completely on th
I have recently converted to Shiism and I would like to know whether my prayers and marriage which have been conducted in accordance with the rules of Sunni school of jurisprudence are valid or not.
6337 2013/12/25 نماز قضا و استیجاریIf you performed them correctly then according to your own religion, your previous deeds are in order and it is not necessary to repeat them and your marriage is also in order. For further informatio
Is a woman who becomes a man\'s second wife sinful?
6283 2013/10/03 چند همسری1. As you know remarriage is an issue legislated and recognized as permissible by Islamic Shari ah. There is no doubt about it as the Quran states: فانکحوا ما طاب لکم من النسا مثنى و ثلاث و رباع فان
Is it permissible for a woman and her husband to stipulate in the marriage contract that the man should seek his wife’s permission when he wants to leave their house? Is such a condition put in the marriage contract binding?
14514 2013/05/15 احکام و شرایط ازدواجPutting such a condition in the marriage contract would be permissible and there would not be problem in the condition insofar as it is not irrational. If such a condition is placed in the marriage co
What are the ruling and conditions for marrying a non-Muslim woman?
10894 2012/04/19 Laws and JurisprudenceNon-Muslims are of two types: 1. People of the Book 2. Not People of the Book. According to the view of all Shia jurists, a Muslim man cannot get married ( neither temporarily nor permanently ) to a n
If a non-Muslim woman, who is married to a non-Muslim man, converts to Islam, would she have to divorce her husband?
7073 2012/04/17 Laws and JurisprudenceIn the case asked about, if her husband doesn t embrace Islam, she separates from him and there is no need for the divorce contract to be carried out. Of course, she needs to observe the iddah ( waiti