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Islam has two special and distinctive features in the light of which the need for prophethood ceases to exist and there is no room for another prophethood:
1. Islam is the last religion; it is the most perfect religion in the sense that it features all things should have been explained to humanity through revelation.
2. The religion of Islam is immune to any distortion and alterations. The problem that the previous religions went through was their main sources were destroyed or tampered with in a way such that today it is very difficult to have access to the genuine doctrines of most of them. As for Islam, it has remained immune to any any alterations over the centuries. That is mainly because of the special and unique features and characteristics of this religion. God, the Exalted, guaranteed the protection and preservation of the Holy Quran, the biggest and most authoritative source of Islam. Thus, the present Glorious Quran which is in the hands of the Muslims is the same Quran which was revealed to the Last of Prophets and scribed down and compiled under his supervision.
The Glorious Quran introduces the Holy Prophet (S) as the Last of all Prophets with whom prophethood was sealed. This feature does not at all mean that God's favor and grace ceased to be bestowed nor was it because there was no need for a prophet and that God did not want to send a prophet; rather it was because the need for prophethood ceased to exist with the coming of Prophet Muhammad (S).
To further explain the above we must say that Islam Islam has two special and distinctive features in the light of which the need for prophethood ceases to exist and there is no room for another prophethood:
1. Islam is the last religion; it is the most perfect religion in the sense that it features all things should have been explained to humanity through revelation.
2. The religion of Islam is immune to any distortion and alterations. The problem that the previous religions went through was their main sources were destroyed or tampered with in a way such that today it is very difficult to have access to the genuine doctrines of most of them. As for Islam, it has remained immune to any any alterations over the centuries. That is mainly because of the special and unique features and characteristics of this religion. God, the Exalted, guaranteed the protection and preservation of the Holy Quran, the biggest and most authoritative source of Islam. Thus, the present Glorious Quran which is in our hands is the same Quran which was revealed to the Last of Prophets and scribed down and compiled under his supervision.
The Holy Quran is a source of eternal guidance for mankind and a complete code of life. Ayatollah Shahabadi (r.a), the late Imam Khomeni's teacher in mysticism says that the Quran is a book consisting of the entire divine knowledge which has been made available in its lowest level to humanity. This is the position of the last divine religion.
What makes the religion of Islam to be the most perfect religion? What are privileges and excelling features of Islam? The special features and aspects of Islam which make it superior to all other religions are summed up in the comprehensiveness of this religion in the sense that it has explained and elucidated all areas and aspects of human life that need divine guidance. In addition, it has explained the function of human intelligence alongside the Quran and prophetic tradition. Islam has established the position of the intellect by considering as an authoritative tool with which divine laws can be inferred and discovered. Therefore, Islam is a religion which underscores the importance of reason and rationality. In fact.