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God, the Compassionate and the Merciful, has promised to forgive all the sins of the penitent, even the sin of associating with Him a partner.[1]
It is necessary to note that repentance from adultery or fornication is not different from repentance from other sins. What is important in Tawbah (repentance) is to be remorseful and to have a firm intention not to repeat the sin.
For further information about repentance, refer to the following indexes on our website:
Tawbah and Enforcement of Fornication Punishment, question 6072 (site: 6255)
Enforcement of Punishment and Repentance in Adultery, 7159 (site: 7508).
Ways to Purge from Sins, 11511 (site: en11345)
Forgiveness from Major Sins, 115129site: en11351).
Ways to Get Rid of Sins, 5189 (site: en6613).
Repentance for Sins and Becoming a Beloved of God, 12833 (site: en13662).
[1] Vide: Makarem Shirazi, Naser, Tafsir Namunah, vol.26, p. 111, and vol. 3, p. 409 and 411; Turkhan, Qasim, A Mystical, Philosophical and Theological Attitude to the Revolution and Personality of Imam Hussein (as), p. 424 – 431.