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Last Updated: 2010/04/08
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I married a woman from Ahlul Kitab thinking she will practice Islam and I have 1 child with her, if she refuses to practice Islam can I divorce her?
I married a woman from Ahlul Kitab thinking she will practice Islam and I have 1 child with her, so my question is that can I divorce her if she doesn’t want to practice Islam or give her a certain time for her to change and if she doesn’t then resort to divorce.
Concise answer

The verdict of the honorable maraje’ regarding permanent marriage with women of the People of the Book (Ahlul Kitab) has been mentioned in Question 7850 (site: ). If you follow a marja’ that allows such a marriage with them, then your marriage with this woman is correct and you can divorce her if you like, but remember that according to hadiths, although divorce is permissible in Islam, it is frowned upon by Allah swt[1] and guiding someone to Islam and Shiism, despite it being hard, entails many rewards for the one who does so. Regarding these individuals, some hadiths read: “Whosoever guides such a person to the teachings of us the Ahlul-Bayt, he/she will be at our rank on the Day of Judgment.”[2] Through good Islamic behavior and conduct, and with the help of books on Islamic ideology, you can help her do further research on Islam and bring her a tendency towards it and Shiism.

[1] Koleini, Kafi, vol. 6, pg. 54, Darul-Kutub Al-Islamiyyah, Tehran, 1365.

[2] Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir, Biharul-Anwar, vol. 2, pg. 2, Wafa Publications, Beirut, 1404.

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