Questions Archive(Thematic Category:مبانی شیعه)
Why didn’t the prophets and imams leave any works behind as inventors and scientists did so that they could be prouder? Do Shiites have scholarly or scientific achievements to be proud of ?
6017 2017/05/22 نقش شیعه در گسترش اسلامReligion is not bound to create material means for man s life. This is a duty of human beings themselves to use their mind and faculty of reason to create such things. Basically it is wrong to expect
What is the veracity of the supplication “Allahumma kun li-waliyyik al-Hujjatibnil Hasan… and how do we know that it is authentic?
11922 2017/05/22 Contextual studyThis holy supplication has been reported with some variation in different Shia sources including the book of Al-Kafi. It is good to recite this dua for the wellbeing of Imam of Time may Allah hasten h
Which one of the holy Imams (AS) recited Dua Faraj?
9461 2017/05/20 Contextual studyThe term faraj means remedy or improvement or relief from grief and sorrow. [ 1 ] The hadith books which include this term and also duas and deeds a amāl have referred to the same meaning. We suffice
Please let me know in detail the beliefs of Zaidiyyah sect, especially the Houthis?
17922 2017/05/20 تاريخ کلامThe Zaidiyyah or Zaidism is a sect which emerged in the eighth century out of Shi a Islam. Zaidis are named after Zaid ibn Ali the grandson of Husain ibn Ali. Although Zaid did not consider himself to
Are we allowed to offer Tarawih prayer under Taqiyya?
6439 2017/01/25 Laws and JurisprudenceAccording to the Holy Quran ahadith and Shia and Sunni Taqiyyah is rational and one of the ways by which we can keep our religion safe. The Holy Quran has approved Ammar Yaser taqiyya that he used it
What position does Tarawih prayer take according to Shia school of thought, considering that it is prevalent among Ahlul Sunna?
5546 2017/01/25 وضو، اذان و نمازTarawih Prayer refers to Nafilah prayers performed at night in the holy Month of Ramadan after salat of Isha. [ 1 ] Tarawih prayer is offered by Ahlul Sunna in congregation ordered by their second
Did Imam Ali (AS) fight all innovations when he was in power?
8185 2017/01/24 امام علی ع و خلفاIt was only 25 years after the demise of the Prophet of Islam S that the Muslim caliphate got back on its original track. After coming to power and becoming apparently a caliph Imam Ali AS vowed to do
Did Mukhtar keep any love of Abu Bakr and Umar in his heart? Why didn’t he defend Imam Hussein in Karbala?
13811 2017/01/24 Laws and JurisprudenceThe traditions about Mukhtar in our sources are divided into two categories; some of them praise and others simply reproach him. The scholars who specialize in hadith and biographical accounts general
“When was “hasten his reappearance” added to ‘salawat’ (greetings) and what was the reason behind it?
5444 2017/01/24 گوناگونAn inquiry into the traditions reveals that the phrase hasten his reappearance or may Allah hasten their reappearance was added to salawat in the time of the Holy Prophet S and pure Imams AS . Here ar
Why do we send out greetings to the Prophet of Islam and his Household in prayers? Was the Prophet’s tradition the same?
5243 2017/01/24 تشهد و سلام1. As pointed out in the question there are numerous traditions from the Holy Prophet S and his pure Household in the interpretation of the following verse which says: ان الله و ملائکته یصلون على
What are the sources for derivation and issuance of legal verdicts?
5547 2017/01/24 Philosophy of Religion and LawIjtihad literally means to endeavor strive put oneself out work hard. In Islamic legal terminology it is defined as the total expenditure of effort by a mujtahid in order to infer with a high degree o
What is meant by justice as one of the fundamentals of faith?
4853 2017/01/21 جبر یا اختیار و عدالت پروردگارJustice has been discussed and debated in detail covering all its meanings. However what has been very much a matter of controversy and heated debate is the difference between Imamiyah and Mu atazilah
Why do Shiites wipe their feet rather than washing them which is an obligatory act in wudhu?
7417 2017/01/21 Laws and JurisprudenceIt is quite natural and clear that every sect and denomination considers itself to be on the right side or to be the right sect. Contrary to what you think we believe we are performing what is mandato
When was visiting graves allowed given the fact that it was, for some time in the early period of Islam, unlawful to visit graves?
6428 2017/01/21 زیارت قبور و بنای مراقدAmong the practices which in the early period of Islam were forbidden was visitation of graves. Visiting graves was prohibited for a number of reasons. As the Islamic society developed and grew more m
Considering that the Prophet of Islam (S) performed his prayers ordinarily in five separate times, why do Shiites perform the obligatory daily prayers in three times? Why do they base their arguments on only a few instances of the Prophet\'s conducts?
7036 2015/08/04 وضو، اذان و نمازIn regards to this question two points have to be investigated separately: 1. Permissibility of establishing prayers in three times 2. Significance of combing or not combining prayers Sunnis are of
Which of the two versions of Hadith Thaqalayn are more authentic?
14380 2015/06/18 سرنوشت حدیثThe text of the report transmitted by Ahl-e Sunnah in Sahih Muslim Sahih Timidhi and Musnad of Ahmad bin Hanbal is as such: The Book of Allah and my progeny itrah This is the famous version of the
Does verse 159 of Surah al-An\'am make reference to disunity and discord in the religion of Islam or to all divine religions?
10496 2015/06/18 ExegesisThe Holy Quran says in verses 159 of Chapter al-An am: ان الذین فرقوا دینهم و کانوا شیعا لست منهم فی شی انما امرهم الى الله ثم ینبئهم بما کانوا یفعلون Surely they who divided their religion i
Who was Hasan al-Muthanna? Was he present in the event of Karbala?
14474 2015/06/09 امام حسن مجتبی عHasan bin Hasan was Imam Hasan Mujtaba s second son. His mother was Khawla who was the daughter of Manzur Fazariyah. [ 1 ] Hasan bin Hasan better known as Hasan al-Muthanna was a nobleman a virtuous a
Given that we insist that happiness is achieved only through Shi\'ism, isn\'t it unjust and unbecoming of divine justice to punish those who have no knowledge of any divine religions nor any understanding of Shi\'ism?
6630 2015/06/09 جبر یا اختیار و عدالت پروردگارSurely Allah does not do injustice to anyone. As for those who are not familiar with divine and celestial teachings given our emphasis on the Shiite school the way to attaining prosperity is not shut
Did Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (pbuth) artificially dispute with each other in order to teach an old man how to make wudu?
11593 2015/06/08 HadithIt has been narrated in some resources that Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain pbuth as children taught an old man in a good manner how to make wudu properly as follows: One day an old man came to Medina.
When did the epithets of Sayyid al-Nas, Sayyid al-Bashar, Sayyidul Mursalin, and Sayyidul Anbia on the Prophet (pbuh) come into being?
11253 2015/06/08 HadithStudying the titles of the Holy Prophet pbuh is one of the important issues which is a manifestation of his moral salient characteristics and attributes. These titles have been adapted from narrations
Is it true that the Messenger of Allah (S) once missed his Dawn Prayers?
7828 2015/05/03 وحی، نبوت و عصمتThis issue is among jurisprudential topics and has also something to do with theological themes. There are reports and narrations transmitted in this regard but jurisprudents are not unanimous about t
What are the features and privileges of Behar al-Anwar?
6919 2015/05/03 Contextual studyBehar al-Anwa being a huge hadith collection is the most important work by Allamah Muhammad Baqir Majlisi. It is a big encyclopedia of Shiite traditions encompassing all religious issues and themes in
If the imams are essentially infallible, can we follow them as role models?
6826 2015/05/03 عصمتThis question emanates from incorrect notion about the concept of infallibility that considers it something mandatory and gifted by God without a cause or reason. Obviously if we are to consider infal
Is Muhammad bin Uthman Umari\'s claim that he has seen the Imam of Time (\'atf) during Hajj season true?
5981 2015/05/03 HistoryThe fact that the Imam of Time Imam Mahdi may Allah hasten his reappearance is seen during the period of occultation is indisputable and beyond doubt even though such a claim made by anyone that he ha
How is it possible to tell the difference between taqiyah on the one hand and telling the truth, hypocrisy and enjoining good and forbidding evil on the other?
7841 2015/04/18 Laws and JurisprudenceTaqiyah ( dissimulation or quietism ) is a strategy for emergency situations and it is meant to protect human forces and not to endanger momeneen [ believers ] in petty and trivial matters. The princi
Please let me get a short sketch of the life, children and grandchildren of Imam Musa Kadhim (AS).
10867 2015/04/18 تاريخ بزرگانIf we are to embark on describing and narrating the lives of Imam Musa Kadhim and his children, we would need to write many books. This article gives a cursory look into the Imam s life and if you wou
What is reconciliatory Taqiyah and where is it practiced?
5866 2015/04/14 Laws and JurisprudenceReconciliation is the act of making friendly relations; it is the action of making one view or belief compatible with another in order to appease someone and make him surrender to something. This is w
It is unlikely that Zachariah, the Prophet (AS), might have prayed to God to grant him a child who would inherit him. Hence, why did Lady Fatima Zahra (SA) demand inheritance relying on this verse?
6507 2015/01/05 فدکSome of the verses to which Lady Fatima ( SA ) made reference to prove her right and ownership of Fadak, are related to material inheritance and some others are general and they seem to be more consis
What was Imam Sadiq (AS)'s argument about God's existence in his debate with Abu Shaker Daysani?
14253 2014/12/10 Contextual studyDuring the lifetime of Imam Ja far Sadiq ( AS ) , theological debates and discussions invovling the Imam himself were carried out quite often. One of the most serious topics around which discussions a
Why did Imam Ali depose Qays bin Sa'ad as the governor of Egypt?
9128 2014/06/23 تاريخ بزرگانQays bin Sa ad bin Ibadah, head of Khazraj clan, was one of the renowned companions. He was a clever man, a skilled manager and one of the close friends of Imam Ali ( A.S ) fighting alongside him in m
Did the companions of the Holy Prophet (S) give Imam Ali (A.S) and Fatima Zahra (S.A) a wedding banquet and gifts?
8472 2014/05/14 HistoryThere is a narration according to which some of the companions of the Holy Prophet ( S ) brought gifts for the daughter of the Prophet ( S ) , Lady Fatima Zahra ( S.A ) on her wedding ceremony. Abdur
What is meant by this saying of Imam Ali, "Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocosm is placed within you?"
32994 2014/05/14 Contextual studySome mysticism and literary books have ascribed poems to Imam Ali ( A.S ) . For instance, it has been said that Imam Ali ( A.S ) said: Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocos
What kind of a book is Manaqib Murtazawi by Sayyid Muhammad Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi? Are its contents reliable and authentic?
13398 2014/05/14 Contextual studyThe book Kawkab Durri or Manaqi Murtazawi was authored by Sayyid Saleh Tirmidhi Kashfi. He is a follower of Sunni school of jurisprudence and theology but he is a lover of the Ahlul-Bayt. He is intell
Who was the first Mujtahid and who was he following before attaining the degree of Ijtihad?
14054 2007/04/08 Laws and JurisprudenceIjtihad is an important and old issue in Islam. In the Shia perspective, ijtihad has been popular from the age of the infallibles up until today amongst their companions. Many good changes and improve