Questions Archive(Thematic Category:اخلاق)
If someone commits the sin of masturbation and repents afterwards will Allah forgive his sin? Is it true that Allah doesn’t look at the person who commits such sin?
18378 2011/05/08 PracticalTawbah literally means to discontinue a sin and to return to the true path and in other words, to return to regretting the sin. [ i ] Repentance is a move towards salvation and one s serious decision
How can those who don’t observe the complete hijab study in the Howza?
6309 2011/04/20 PracticalStudying in different fields is always valuable and brings about completion for the individual, nevertheless, reaching values and virtues coming from knowledge calls for some preliminary steps and har
Is it true that one shouldn’t pray for oneself on Ashura?
7077 2011/04/20 PracticalDua and supplication are the needful connection between the servant and his Lord for the fulfillment of worldly and otherworldly needs. Dua for oneself and others is always something good and entails
Is the repentance of a person who is committing a sin and is determined to repent later on accepted?
7142 2011/04/20 PracticalTrue repentance has certain conditions that if done with those conditions, it will be accepted by our kind and compassionate Lord. These conditions are as follows: 1- Committing the sin out of ignoran
Does being good tempered with your spouse and children cause them to take advantage of such a thing?
7262 2011/04/20 PracticalFirst: Islam teaches us to be good tempered with all people, including one s spouse, children, students, etc., because the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet s household have commanded us to be good
Whose advice should I seek and who gives better advice, a psychologist or a religious expert?
6389 2011/03/05 PracticalGiven the details you have provided in your message a brief answer to your question is as follows: 1 – As for consulting a psychologist or a religious expert, we should say that psychology and religio
Please give me a list of suitable Islamic websites in English which we could give to non-Muslims who may use them to know about Islam and Shiism? Kindly, also advise us as to what we can say to these people to encourage them to visit these websites and read their contents? (Please, reply in English, if possible.)
7635 2011/02/12 PracticalDear brother in Islam,Salamun alaikum,Below are links to a few good Islamic websites that we believe you can use to find information about Islam and Shiism. Obviously, each of the websites has its spe
If there are two suitors one of whom is faithful and irritable and the other faithless but lenient, which one is preferable?
7918 2011/01/27 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is the repentance of an apostate accepted? Do his body and clothe get ritually pure with repentance?
7271 2011/01/20 PracticalRepentance is a move towards salvation and one s serious decision to stop committing sins is by itself a great victory which opens the gates of divine mercy to the penitent. In fact, he who has reache
Is it possible to get distance education and learning in the Islamic seminaries?
6030 2011/01/16 PracticalDear brother in Islam, Salamun alaikum, You can attend level one classes of the Islamic seminary freely and without enrollment. Then you should prepare yourself for the admission tests which are held
Can a major sin be forgiven?
12740 2010/12/21 PracticalA major sin is one that being punished in hell is promised to its committer in the Quran or ahadith. ( There are also other criteria for a sin being a major one ) . Also minor sins turn into major sin
How can a person be forgiven for his sins?
9999 2010/12/21 PracticalThere are many ways mentioned below that one can be forgiven and purified from his sins and misdeeds:1- Repenting according to its conditions and returning to Allah. 2- Doing extraordinary good deeds
Does an individual, who has committed many sins against God and his fellow man, have a door open towards repentance?
10193 2010/11/22 PracticalSins cause the destruction of human beings, while repentance and making a decision for returning towards God is deliverance and salvation. When a person in private, feels ashamed of his sins in front
Can one turn back from repentance?
6425 2010/11/21 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is your opinion about meditation of the Yoga-Zen variety?
11798 2010/11/21 PracticalSupporters of this method say that the exercise of meditation takes one to a phenomenal place of ideas and thoughts, which have many various purposes and benefits. These benefits include a more wholes
Why is the resident Aalim of a mosque not returning your salaam?
6381 2010/10/13 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
If I have a sexual relationship with someone else, what is its ruling?
6623 2010/09/09 TheoreticalSalam AleikumYou need to pay attention to the following points:a ) If one wife fulfills your sexual needs, it is better to remain faithful to that one person, as you put it. However, in the case of ne
Why do women oppose temporary marriage, and can a woman ask for divorce upon learning of her husband’s temporary marriage?
8284 2010/09/09 TheoreticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the husband's duty when there is a disagreement between his mother and wife?
10314 2010/09/05 PracticalEven though parents have a great status in Islam, but every member of the family, whether it is the mother, father or wife, has his/her own rights which should all be respected.If there is a contentio
Does committing some sins like suicide automatically entail entering Hell?
7287 2010/09/04 TheoreticalSome sins, due to their quality, leave no opportunity to repent and will lead their committers to the irreversible path of Hell, the same way falling from heights without employing a parachute or land
What are the different types of pleasure? How can we reach the higher and greater pleasure?
19710 2010/08/22 PracticalMan has always lived with both pleasure and pain; he has invariably rejoiced one thing while suffering from another. Still ethics play a great role in moderating these feelings. It is within an ethica
What should one do if his father's orders contradicts his mother's orders?
10872 2010/08/21 PracticalOne of the most important wajib acts that has been mentioned in the Quran after believing in one god and rejecting paganism is honoring, respecting and obeying parents. In respect to the cases that th
How can one prevent and free oneself from loving other than Allah (swt) excessively?
8061 2010/08/17 PracticalThe human being is a social creature and in need of connecting with others in order to survive. Nevertheless, he should secure his prosperity and salvation in this world and the next by selecting a wo
In Islam can we confess our sins to another person?
33039 2010/08/14 TheoreticalIn the religion of Islam nobody has the permission to disclose their sins ( small or big ) and unveil their secrets to anybody. The reason why is, to begin with, man’s honor and respect is so valued a
When we do dua, is it true that we should not look up but into our hands?
13957 2010/08/01 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What are the right ways of fulfilling lust in Islam and according to Imam Khomeini?
27755 2010/07/20 PracticalAs one who is in pursuit of the truth regarding Islam’s laws and the viewpoints of the late leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, it is of dire importance that you rely only on authentic so
Is it the responsibility of a Muslim to inform the parents of a child who is engaged in an illegitimate relationship?
6830 2010/05/26 PracticalThe case you have presented in your inquiry needs to be looked at from an “enjoining good and forbidding evil” perspective.Although enjoining good and forbidding evil ( amr bil ma’ruf wa nahy anil mun
Is it the case that for sleeping or resting we must face the Qiblah? What should be done about burying a dead individual?
10747 2010/05/20 PracticalOur ahadith have divided sleeping into four types in which the best of all of them for the believer is to sleep on his right and towards the Qibla.Imam Ali ( a ) is narrated to have said: “Sleeping ha
I lack spiritual presence in my prayers, what should I do to change this?
8240 2010/04/20 PracticalPrayer consists of physical and spiritual aspects. Like the physical aspect, the spiritual aspect is also characterized by a series of conditions and disciplines.Therefore, in the same way certain con
I would like to know what you think about the answer I received regarding a question on the blessings of the first ten days of Dhilhijjah that I asked another center for Islamic inquiries.
6632 2010/04/20 TheoreticalThere is no doubt that the first ten days of Dhilhijjah are very blessed days. There are many hadiths in Shia sources on the blessings these days have, here is one example: “علی بن موسى بن طاوس فی کتا
Are there any verses of the Quran or any supplications, which if read, would increase one’s ability to learn and succeed in their studies?
9322 2010/02/20 PracticalThe word ‘study’ is defined as: contemplating a subject in detail in order to discover its essential meaning or attributes. Therefore, any form of contemplation or study which lacks the mentioned qual
Will there be a new creation after the end of this world?
14067 2010/02/09 TraditionalSince Allah ( swt ) is the All-Emanating and All-Graceful, and His grace is never-ending, grace calls for Him to continuously create, and He creates everything that deserves to be created. His grace m
Do listening to and reciting duas share the same thawab?
26454 2010/02/09 Science of narratorsAllah ( swt ) is aware of the inside of His servants, but at the same time, He has said that He likes it when they actually verbalize their needs and supplications and that such entails great rewards.
Can you introduce some books on marriage in Islam?
7203 2010/01/21 TheoreticalDear sister, there are many books on this subject but unfortunately, only a few have been translated to English. There is one book that we recommend that has been translated as well with the title of
Does spending the expenses of Hajj and Umrah on charity, have the reward of Hajj and Umrah?
11156 2009/12/17 EthicsHajj to the ‘House of God’ is obligatory to people who have the means once in their lifetimes. Not doing this obligatory action ( wajib ) has no excuse, just like other obligatory actions. Now in rela