Questions Archive(Thematic Category:اخلاق)
There is a tradition in "Tohaful Uqool" according to which every lahv (vain pastime) is impermissible. Does it mean that all recreations and entertainments are prohibited according to Islam?
9886 2012/01/17 PracticalAlthough the term کل ملهو به [ everything that creates evil ] implies the prohibition of everything, if we go through the verses of the Quran and the traditions of the Infallibles ( a.s. ) , we will c
Please introduce a few methods of ibadat.
9590 2012/01/15 PracticalIbadat means to express humbleness, obedience before Allah’s demands and following the divine rulings in our everyday life. Ibadat has levels; the highest being when it is performed along with ma’refa
Are the punishments for some sins harsher and greater by many folds than the punishments for some other sins?
6963 2012/01/04 TheoreticalIt is inferred from the Holy Qur an and traditions of the Ahlul-Bayt ( a.s. ) that there are different degrees of torments in hell, proportioned to the different degrees of sins on earth. The Quran co
What duties does a child have when it comes to parents?
10393 2011/12/21 PracticalThe importance of fulfilling the rights of parents ( father and mother ) has been recognized by the Quran to be so high that in several verses, it has been demanded immediately after forbidding shirk
How can we strengthen the inclination towards worship in our children?
6571 2011/12/21 PracticalWhen it comes to encouraging worship and the performance of religious obligations, it is the foundations of one’s thought that need to be analyzed and fixed first. His view of God, the world, man, res
rules and regulations has Islam prescribed for exultations and happiness?
6603 2011/12/19 PracticalReal happiness from the perspective of a faithful individual is achieved when he performs an act which draws him one step closer to his Lord. However, human beings can benefit from lawful and diverse
What is the best way for the couple's understanding of each other?
7071 2011/12/17 TheoreticalThe biggest capital in a couple s life is honesty and truthfulness, and, perhaps, the worst and the biggest cause of dispute and difference between husband and wife is dishonesty and lack of trust. It
What are the names of Shia's most important Hadith collections (sources)?
12177 2011/12/03 Contextual studyThe Shia school is very rich in terms of reliable hadith collections thanks to the ahadith of the Holy Prophet ( s ) and his pure progeny. The infallible Imams, peace be upon them, are the closest peo
What acts eliminate major sins?
8712 2011/11/21 PracticalThe sins that people commit are not all alike in terms of their greatness and the forgiveness of different sins depends on the kind of sin that has been committed. Some sins can be forgiven by only sa
I cannot marry now because the circumstances are not ready. What should I do to avoid falling into a sin?
6578 2011/11/12 PracticalDear User, As you know one of the aims of marriage is to gratify the sexual needs and instincts and there are other purposes also for marriage which have been enumerated and explained in their appropr
Is this saying, "O, Ali! Telling a lie is good in three places: in battle, for bringing reconciliation amongst persons and making promise to a wife" in contradiction with the Persian view about telling a lie such as Cyrus's saying "A Persian man does not tell a lie even in a battle.
7040 2011/11/08 PracticalAlthough telling the truth is very important according to our religious teachings, basically it has been, though apparently and formally, accepted as a principle in most human communities. However, in
What are the ways of strengthening one’s God seeking nature?
7100 2011/10/23 PracticalThe meaning behind the term of one’s God seeking faculty is that same internal ( fitri ) inclination and drive towards God the most high. This sense or faculty is a sort of inner call and its source o
If every wish is supposed to be granted through dua, then what is our own role in our lives?
8275 2011/10/23 TheoreticalThe religion of Islam is a religion that combines between the exterior and the interior, the material and spiritual aspects. God is the creator of the wind and cloud, and rainfall depends on the rules
What is the Islamic law about giving walima (banquet) in general and marriage banquet in particular?
12948 2011/09/27 PracticalOne of the recommended Islamic traditions is feeding one s brethren in faith. Imam Sadiq ( a ) says: ان الله تبارک و تعالى یحب اهراق الدما و اطعام الطعام [ 1 ] God, the Glorified and Exalted, loves sh
What is servitude? And who is a servant? And how can one move in the way of servitude (to God)?
9119 2011/09/22 PracticalThe meaning of worship ( Ibadat ) in Arabic lexicon means the utmost limits of humility and modesty, and it is because of this that it is only one who is at the highest level of existence, perfection,
Will God abandon me or love me less if I am bad?
6894 2011/09/11 PracticalAlthough Shaitan is man s sworn enemy and it is making its utmost efforts to lead man towards sins and evil actions and to create a gap between him and God, God loves His servants even the sinners and
What is the reality of sin and how does it affect the soul and psyche of the human being?
9331 2011/08/15 PracticalThe above question must be answered in four parts.The Reality of SinSin, which in ‘Arabic is referred to as ithm and ‘isyan, means to disobey the order of the Master and to slip in complying with His
What are the conditions that guarantee the fulfilment of a prayer?
11535 2011/08/15 PracticalThe word du’a ( supplication ) literally means “to call”, “to request a favour”, “to seek help” and in some cases it is used to denote the general meaning of calling. But in its [ popular and ] techni
On the one hand, in the sciences of education and psychology a great deal of emphasis is placed on self-confidence, but in Islamic teachings, ethics, and gnosticism (‘irfan) on the other hand, it is stressed that one must trust only in Allah (awj) and not in oneself. Is their a contradiction between the two perspectives?
7695 2011/08/15 PracticalTo apprehend whether there is a conflict or not, one must first have a clear definition of the two terms. There are two ways of understanding self-confidence:1. Comprehending ones’ abilities, potentia
Should the remembrance of Allah (awj) evoke fear or love?
9423 2011/08/15 PracticalThe co-existence of fear and hope, and in some cases love, in respect to Allah ( awj ) , should not be a source of confusion as this phenomenon permeates all relationships of love to varying degrees.
How should one resist the temptation to commit sins?
9660 2011/08/10 PracticalThe temptation to commit a sin is a disease like the sin itself. Like all other diseases, protection against this sin involves two stages e.g. prevention and cure. When it comes to the prevention stag
How is possible to ward off bad thoughts and improve my relationship with God?
10572 2011/08/10 PracticalThe relationship is always mutual. Our relationship with God is sometimes severed and cut off or tend to become weak; but He is always and everywhere with us. God, the Exalted say, And He is with you
What are the ways through which one may get rid of lusts?
8257 2011/08/04 PracticalSins are like an ill-smelling putrid bog. The deeper a person gets into it the less he feels its disgusting smell because his smelling taste ceases to function. However, a person s firm decision to di
Is it obligatory for Muslims to promulgate Islam (i.e. teach or convert non-Muslims)?
8546 2011/08/02 PracticalThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What are the effects of casting lustful look at immodest women and girls and how is one's life affected by it?
10018 2011/07/28 PracticalGenerally speaking, your detesting and despising of the girls wearing immodest dress are very good and praiseworthy. Every mature and sane individual is answerable to his own deeds because he has been
What is E'tikaf?
7947 2011/07/07 TheoreticalLiterally, E tikaf ( cleave to a mosque ) means to stay or remain at a place or to cleave to smething. E tikaf in Islamic law is a pious practice consisting of a period of retreat at a sacred place fo
What is the reason behind respecting the Seyeds? Is there a difference between the Seyeds and other people in their status in this world and the hereafter?
8089 2011/06/14 TheoreticalThe word “Seyyed” means “sir”, “honorable” and “chief” and when used by Shias and in Farsi it refers to those who descend from the prophet through Lady Fatimah. However, individuals that descend from
Please explain the limits of a relationship between two men.
13871 2011/06/14 PracticalBrief Answer: Friendship and brotherhood is of great significance in Islam and this is why there are many conditions mentioned in regard to a good friendship that should be paid attention to such as b
Is it permissible to talk ill of a person who has done bad to others and destroyed their lives?
7469 2011/06/01 Practical1. As for the definition of backbiting, we advise you to read Question 714 ( site: 756 ) to know the conditions of backbiting and their exceptions.2. If the person in question is really hurting others
What are the ways through which one can prevent the influence of the evil eye?
15211 2011/05/25 PracticalThe Quran has accepted a fact called the evil eye and it has pointed out instances of its influence. Quranic historical reports from the predecessors also confirm it as a reality. The evil eye
Why is there corruption in Islamic Governments?
7493 2011/05/22 TheoreticalThe reason for corruption in Islamic Governments is summarized in one sentence by the Quran: The lack of faith in God and condemnation of taaghut ( whatever is not in accord with the divine ) . On the
Is the marriage of an adherent and practicing religious girl with a carefree and secular minded boy going to be successful?
7751 2011/05/18 PracticalIslam attaches great importance to real pleasure and prosperity of human beings through Islamically balanced, highly ethical, well-educated and well-behaved families and happy homes. It has important
Is the repentance of a person who has committed sodomy accepted?
15876 2011/05/08 PracticalFrom the Islamic viewpoint, sodomy is a very inferior and ugly act and is one of the great sins for which heavy punishments have been determined, namely execution. [ 1 ] What various verses of the Qur
One who has repeatedly repented and broken his repentance and now doubts frequently about Allah and the imams, has Allah forsaken such a person? What is the way to gain proximity to Allah?
9326 2011/05/08 PracticalSin and disobedience brings about one’s destruction, while repentance and a resolution to refrain from sin is movement towards salvation. Shaytan is man s enemy and all of his efforts go into creating
There is a hadith that says: “The believers should encounter each other with cheerful faces”, is this true about the husband and wife as well?
6728 2011/05/08 PracticalOne of the characteristics that hadiths have mentioned about a believer, is that when encountering others, they should have cheerful faces and conceal their sorrow; this characteristic brings about in