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Wearing a ring of aghigh, firoozah, yaqut and…is permissible for men and according to hadiths, wearing them has thawab and rewards, and wearing them in prayer causes one’s prayers to be of higher virtue and of more rewards, given that the ring isn’t made of gold (for men of course).
The thawab and benefits of wearing aghigh:
It has been reported that Imam Ridha (as) said that Imam Sadiq (as) stated: “Whosoever wears a ring whose stone is of aghigh will not become poor, and will be granted his needs in the best form.”
In another hadith from Imam Sadiq (as) it has been narrated that he said that: “(Wearing) the aghigh while travelling brings protection.”
Imam Sadiq (as) narrates from his father and grandfathers, from Imam Ali (as) that his Excellency said: “Wear the aghigh so that Allah (swt) blesses you, and so that you are protected from calamities.”
Imam Baqir (as): “Whosoever wears the aghigh will continuously be benefited by it as long as it is worn, and a guard sent by Allah (swt) will protect that individual.”
It has been reported that Imam Sadiq (as) said that his father’s grandfather (as) said: “Allah (swt) will protect whosoever engraves this phrase: (محمّد نبىّ اللَّه و علىّ ولىّ اللَّه) on the aghigh ring from a bad death and will verily die a death of fitrah (which is a good death).
Imam Sadiq (as) has been narrated saying: “No hand that reaches out to Allah (swt) is dearer than the one that has an aghigh ring on it.”
Imam Ridha (as) narrates from his father Imam Kadhim (as) from his father and grandfathers till Imam Husein (as) that his Excellency said: “When Allah (swt) created (Prophet) Musa ibn Imran and spoke with him in Mount Sinai, He (Allah (swt)) took a look at the ground (earth) and created the aghigh from His light and said: “(I swear) by myself that I have made it mandatory upon me not to chastise with the Fire whosever wears the aghigh, given that person loves Imam Ali (as).
The thawab and benefits of wearing the firoozah
Abdul-Mu’min Ansari says that he heard Imam Sadiq (as) saying: “The hand that bears the firoozah will never become needy.”
The thawab and benefits of the jaz’/jiz’ yamani
Muhammad ibnul-Husein narrates from his noble father that Imam Ali (as) said: “Wear the jaz’ yamani ring, for it keeps the evil of the disobedient devils away from you.”
The thawab and benefits of wearing the zumurrud
Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Nasr who would run some of Imam Musa ibn Ja’far’s (as) arons has reported that one day when the imam was reading a book, he told him: “Wearing the zumurrud brings comfort and isn’t followed by any hardship.”
The thawab and benefits of the yaqut
Husein ibn Khalid narrates that Imam Ridha (as) said that Imam Sadiq (as) has stated that: “Wear the yaqut, for it causes poverty to go away.”
The thawab and benefits of the bulur
Ali ibn Muhammad has narrated from Imam Sadiq (as) that he said: “Bulur is a good stone (for using on the ring).”[1] [2]
Two points must be noted here:
1- Jewelry made of gold is haram for men, including gold rings.[3]
2- The benefits that were mentioned for these stones, aren’t for sure, meaning that these stones aren’t the whole cause for them, they are rather part of their cause and in other words, there might be other things that must be observed for these benefits to surely take place (for example, when it is said that wearing a certain stone keeps away poverty, it doesn’t mean that one can just wear it and sit and do nothing and wait for poverty to go), but of course the thawab of these stones according to these hadiths is for sure and one who wears them will be rewarded by Allah (swt).
[1] Sheikh Saduq, Thawabul-A’mal wa ‘Iqabul-A’mal.
[2] For further explanation and information, see:
1- Sheikh Saduq, Thawabul-A’mal wa ‘Iqabul-A’mal.
2- Muhammad Ali Mujahidi, Padashe Nikiha va Keyfare Gonahan.
3- Sharafuddin Khuvaidaki, Kasheful-Istar dar Tarjomeye Jame’ul-Akhbar.
4- Sheikh Saduq, Al-Khisal.
5- Husein Ghaffari, Ayeene Bandegi va Niyayesh.
6- Sheikh Saduq, ‘Ilalul-Shara’i’.
7- Adabe Huzur.
8- Fatimah Mashayekh, Qisasul-Anbiya’.
9- Seyyid Ibrahim MirBagheri, Makaremul-Akhlaq.
10- Ahmad Sadiq Ardestani, Navadere Ravandi.
11- Mohammad Baqir Sa’edi, Faza’ele Panj Tan dar Sihahe Sheshganeye Ahle Sunnat.
[3] See: Tawdihul-Masael (risalah) of the maraji’, vol. 1, pg. 482.