Questions Archive(Thematic Category:تاریخ)
When and by whom did idol worshipping start in Mecca?
40742 2012/02/15 تاريخ بزرگانAfter the tribe of Khuza’ah gained authority of the Kabah, the first person in charge was Amr ibn Lahiyy. His name was Harith ibn Amir. Amir changed the religion of Ibrahim ( A.S. ) and prompted peopl
Is it true that the second Khalīfah married Imam Alī’s (as) daughter?
8757 2012/02/15 تاريخ بزرگانThe marriage of the second Khalīfah to Umm Kulthum has been narrated in both Shīʿah and Sunni books, however the different narrations vary from one another and are not the same. That which is common i
How are Shia beliefs about Aisha consistent with the Quranic verse, which forbids us from accusing chaste women?
21249 2012/02/04 تاريخ بزرگانFollowing Aisha s falling behind the caravan, the hypocrites and some other individuals who were also perhaps some of the proponents and supporters of the first caliph spread gossips and slanderous li
Had Imam Mahdi's mother been the granddaughter of Caesar, the King of the Romans?
23875 2012/01/11 تاريخ بزرگانAccording to reports and traditions, the real name of the mother of the Imam of Time, Imam Mahdi ( atf ) had been Malika daughter of Yashoa, the son of Caesar the King of the Romans. From mother s sid
What educational system is followed in Iranian Howzah schools?
8109 2011/11/21 History of FiqhToday education in Iranian Howzah schools starts when students attend these schools after finishing middle school or high school ( and achieving a diploma ) . During their educational career they pass
What is the reason for mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s)?
9145 2011/11/19 History of FiqhThe events which have taken place in the history of every society hold valuable experiences and lessons that have been achieved with great pain and at a heavy price. Those experiences and lessons are
Where are the graves of prophets like Shoaib, Lot, Yusuf, Yunus, Adam, Abraham etc.? How did they die? Do they have tombs? If they do, where are they located?
30667 2011/11/10 تاريخ بزرگانThere are not precise details about the lives of many personalities and nobles including the divine prophets except a few of them; the historical sources lack any information about their lives, the ci
What are the origin and beliefs of Ya'furiyah sect?
7044 2011/10/30 تاريخ کلامThere is not much information about Ya furiyah in history. What has been mentioned in historical resources is the following: 1. Ya furiyah sect refers to the followers of Muhammad bin Bashir who cease
Some of the incidents pertaining to the event of Karbala do not seem to be rational? How can they be justified?
16206 2011/10/17 تاريخ بزرگانThe story of Karbala and martyrdom of Imam Hussein ( a.s ) and his companions is one of the very well-known and indisputable facts of a history that has been narrated and passed on to us chest by ches
I would like to know the life and personality of Owais Al-Qarni. Is it true that he broke his teeth after he heard that the Prophet had broken one tooth?
16093 2011/10/10 تاريخ بزرگانOwais al-Qarni whose epithet was “Abu Umar” was a Muslim mystic, martyr and philosopher of Yemen. He converted to Islam during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet ( s ) , but never met him personally. He
Where and when did Maryam and Asiya die and where is their burial location?
49700 2011/09/20 تاريخ کلامWhen Pharaoh learned that Asiyah, his wife, had embraced Moses religion, he told her persistently to give up his religion and abandon his God but she never surrendered herself to Pharaoh s demand. Fin
How is it that the government of the caliphs was successful whereas the rule of Imam Ali (as) wasn’t?
7579 2011/08/20 تاريخ کلامA few components of this inquiry, despite being claimed and mentioned by the inquirer, seem to be unacceptable; they are noted below:1. One must note that, supposing that the ahadith that rule a numbe
Why did the Holy Prophet (s) and Imam Ali (a) not throw down and break the idols to pieces before the conquest of Mecca? Was it because they did not want to hurt those who worshipped the idols?
10464 2011/08/04 تاريخ بزرگانThe destruction of idols by the Holy Prophet ( pbuh his family ) and Imam Ali ( a ) happened at the last stages of the propagation of Islam and conveyance of its message; this act of the Prophet ( s )
In a letter to Mu‘awiyah, Imam Ali (AS) speaks of the rule of Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman as being pleased by God. Is not this in contradiction with the Shiite perspective?
10401 2011/06/21 تاريخ بزرگانIn debating, sometimes one side makes an argument against the other side based on the premises that the other side accepts. The purpose of such argument is to show that the other side is wrong even ba
Did Imam Al-Hussein have a daughter named “Ruqayyah” or “Sukainah” who passed away in Damascus while she was around 3-4 years old?
13886 2011/06/14 تاريخ بزرگانEven though many historians have not made mention of a small girl of Imam Hussein with the name of Ruqayyahh, Fatimah Sughraa or any other name in their books, but some books do cite the story of thi
What reason do Shia scholars have that proves the story of “Abdullah bin Saba’” by ‘Seyf bin Umar’ to be forged and false?
10619 2011/05/22 تاريخ بزرگانThe true Islam is that which the Shia follow, the teachings of which Imam Ali ( as ) has received from the prophet and transmitted to his followers. The attribution of Shia beliefs to a Jew by the nam
Amr Aas has poetry in Imam Ali’s praise; in which book can this poetry be found?
7485 2011/04/21 تاريخ بزرگانThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Is there any reason for the permissibility of chest beating and self-hitting of some Muslims that is done in Muharram and other times?
19473 2011/04/20 History of FiqhMourning for Imam Husein ( as ) is one of the highest forms of worship, and doing anything for him that is considered a form of mourning in culture and society is permissible, unless it really brings
In our society there are some peoples who are raising the following questions about Imam Khomeini (ra).
6925 2011/04/20 تاريخ بزرگانThe volumes of Risaala-e-nouin aren t directly authored by Imam Khomeini, Abdul-Karim Bi Azar Shirazi has selected and translated some parts of Imam Khomeini’s book “Tahrir al-Wasilah” and commentated
Did the Holy Prophet (pbuh) order Abu Bakr, during his illness, to lead the congregational prayers?
21216 2011/03/05 تاريخ بزرگانSome narrations have been related in the Sunni sources concerning the appointment of Abu Bakr by the Holy Prophet ( pbuh ) as a prayer leader. In case we accept them, some unacceptable complications
Is the Imam of Time (atf) living in Bermuda Triangle?
17543 2011/01/10 تاريخ کلامThe reason why some people have considered Bermuda Triangle as the residence of the Imam of Time ( atf ) is that they believe that Bermuda Triangle is the very Khazra Island. With this presumption tha
Whose saying is this: "Death is sweater to me than honey."
7787 2011/01/10 تاريخ کلامThis saying is widely ascribed to Qasim son of Imam Hasan Mujtaba ( a.s. ) . It is said that when his beloved uncle, Imam Hussein ( a.s. ) asked him My child, my nephew, tell me, how do you regard dea
What happened to the Prophet's daughter after his demise?
8060 2010/12/21 تاريخ بزرگانThere are many ahadith and much that can be said in regard to what took place for Lady Fatimah after the Prophet s demise, but we will only examine one hadith from Sahih Bukhari, the most reliable sou
What date is the first day of Muharram? Kindly, send me the date.
7034 2010/11/28 تاريخ کلامDear user,The lunar months are established either with a lapse of 30 days or when the crescent of the new month is sighted. When it comes to the beginning of a lunar month, it does not make any differ
What is the Islamic law concerning marriage between a Sayed and a non-Sayed?
9392 2010/11/28 History of FiqhThere is no problem in the marriage between Sayed girls or women with non-Sayed Shiite men as it is not necessary for Sayed girls and women to marry Sayed men [ 1 ] . None of the jurists have forbidde
Where was Lady Fatima Zahra buried?
13272 2010/10/21 تاريخ بزرگانThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What are the proofs behind the faith of Abu Talib?
15159 2010/08/01 تاريخ بزرگانAbu Talib, the father of Imam Ali ( a ) is among the many individuals who have been persecuted through distortions and alterations in the books of history. The only reason for this persecution is that
Was the Fadak usurped before or after the burning of Lady Zahra’s home?
8470 2010/07/31 تاريخ بزرگانThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
What is the proof for Prophet Adam and Nuh (pbuh) being buried in Najaf?
23166 2010/07/20 تاريخ بزرگانThe main reasoning that proves the burial of Prophet Adam and Nuh ( pbuh ) in Najaf are the many hadith that disclose this fact.
How long has it been that Prophet Khidhr has been living?
10633 2010/05/27 تاريخ بزرگانThis question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer.
Where are the cities of Jabalqa and Jabarsa located?
12090 2010/05/26 تاريخ کلامThe names of these two cities haven t been related in any of the authentic Shia sources ( Kafi, Tahzib, Man La Yahdhuruhul-Faqih, Istibsar ) , but from the other sources that they have been mentioned
Did angels and jinns come to the help of Imam Hussein in Karbala? Why didn’t the Imam accept their offer?
18257 2010/04/20 تاريخ بزرگانSome of our hadith sources contain hadiths narrated from the ma sumin mentioning how Allah ( swt ) sent help for Imam Hussein by the jinns and angels.Of course, this isn t something unusual and has ha
Who are the Ismaeili Bahreh Shias and what do they believe in?
8018 2010/04/19 تاريخ بزرگانThe Bahreh Davoodis are a branch of the Ismaili sect. The Ismailis believe Ismail, the son of Imam Jafar Sadiq ( as ) which passed away during his father s lifetime, to be the seventh Imam. The follow
Who were the Ansar?
9194 2010/04/07 تاريخ بزرگانAnsar is the plural form of Naser from the root of Nasr, and means people who help and aid. In the advent of Islam, the residents of Medinah and its outskirts, especially the members of the two tribes
What happened to Imam Hussein's horse in Karbala?
12140 2010/02/20 تاريخ بزرگانThe writers of books on what happened on Ashura ( these books are referred to as ‘maqatil’ ) have not mentioned much about what happened to Dhuljanah. What is mentioned is that he made his mane bloody